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The Command/Response Game.

Aki Dazrold

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You fill the two in about your adventures, leaving out the notes. When you mention the claymore, Robert interrupts. "Claymore?" he asks, just now noticing you have one, "If it's not too much to ask, can I use that?"

Derek cuts in. "That reminds me, we dug this out of the rubble." He tosses you your still-sheathed short sword that you lost in the cave-in. You almost miss in catching it.

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[comment]can you list all the things you have or had and list where they are like this

claymore: with you

long sword: ?


ask them to stay there and go to the computer room and read the other note

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[comment]can you list all the things you have or had and list where they are like this

claymore: with you

long sword: ?


ask them to stay there and go to the computer room and read the other note

Go ahead, ignore Roberts question. -.-

[Claymore: With you.

Long sword: Unknown. Last you saw of it was when you stabbed it in the table; it dissappeared after that.

Short sword & Sheath: With you.

Gun: Back pocket.

Dagger: Derek has it still.]

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You. Are. An. Idiot, warguy. If you are going to post, at least read everything BEFORE spreading stupid all over the floor.

And remember that you could barely make it through the tunnel with only a longsword. A claymore would make it impossible.

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You give the claymore to Robert. You then look at the other note. It says:

To the Director:

I will have you know that the new formula you have provided me with has had mixed results, none of which desirable. Most people mutated, for lack of a better term, into grotesque forms of their previous bodies. A few had no obvious physical features that distinguished their mutation, but their behaviors changed drastically. These few were the only subjects that managed to survive the following day. The aforementioned majority turned into giant heaps of visceral matter that eventually died, while the latter group remained stable, as far as ability to be experimented upon goes. Few of them obtained the ability that your projections said they would have. Those that did, did so imperfectly.

Two such Cases-

"Hey," Derek interrupts, pointing down the hall. "Who's the chick?"

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You pull your gun out of your pocket, and point it at where Derek was pointing. At first, you see nothing. Then, you see -guess who- shuffling towards you, your old longsword in her right arm, her crowbar in the left. A ring of blood circles her right arm and her neck, and a large red stain has dried onto her forehead and face. She looks at you, raises both weapons, screams, and charges at you.

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You point the gun at her, and unload about six rounds into her body. All but one of the shots hit, each accurate shot hitting somewhere vital. She staggers a bit, but keeps coming. Derek and Robert see this, and assume battle stances next to you. Derek, to your right, unsheathes the dagger (it appears he neglected to mention that he dug the dagger's sheath out of the rubble as well...) and holds it in reverse in his right hand; he stands sideways and extends his left arm out in front of him and moves his right arm behind him. Robert, to your left, stands relatively low to the ground and holds the claymore in his right hand over his head, allowing the blade to come down at an angle in front of him, with the blade positioned between his thumb and forefinger.

[i tried posting this about four times. Ficking internet connection really hates me right now]

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You draw your blade. Derek says, "I'll take first hit." He runs a few steps forward, and grabs her right wrist with his left hand before she can bring it down. He bring his right hand around, and blocks the crow bar; both are now at a stand-off. "Crap" Dereks says, "Forgot she has two." You then lunge forward with your weapon and try to run it through her gut, but hit her in the leg instead because she tries to knee Derek in the gut at the last second. Your blade tears through her leg at an odd angle as she brings her leg back down, screaming with rage. Derek twists her arm around behind her back and kicks her in the flank, almost knocking her to the ground. She spins around and faces you two, murder in her eyes.

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