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LI Hospital Theme Cover

Heya, le717 asked me to do this so here it is! This is probably the first and only professionally made cover of this music. I thought you would have enjoyed it, so I decided to upload and post this on RRU! http://youtu.be/byi1z970_tg Listen on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/c24dubstep/lego-island-hospital-theme-cover



Public Art DERPO Bricks

Almost forgot about this but... On the way home from camping on Monday, we came across this public art sculpture. My dad was nice enough to slow down a bit so I could snap a steady shot of it. Now, obviously it's very disproportional in every way, but most public art is anyway. Just thought I'd share my findings. (By the way, you can barely see it, but that is a 3x2 red brick behind the blue one. The angle and speed we were going made it impossible to get both in the shot.)

Drill Master

Drill Master

Shadowblaze - Agahu

This is the last music until I'll release the album! Man, I'm so excited. This is a tribal music, half just tribal randomness and undefined drop, half House/Bounce. Enjoy. http://youtu.be/czXFa6FM8_k Listen on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/c24dubstep/c24-agahu



RRU's 6th Anniversary in a Nutshell

This is for all those people out there who didn't manage to either arrive in time or didn't have a chance to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of Rock Raiders United. So for those who want an explanation of what happened here it is in a nutshell: 1. When there was only two minutes left people counted down the minutes 2. When it came around to 3 'o clock the ShoutBox was filled with colourful balls like this: 3. The colourful balls and flashy balls began to become spammed 4. Shout Box br



Thu'll Language concept (Part 2 Fur'Dae)

Another set of characters for the Thu'll language has been completed! (sort of) This is the second level of Thu'll characters also known as Fur'Dae. I wanted to focus on making the characters and sounds more complex, yet keep the same flowing nature of the Dur'Dae (First set). The blotched out characters are ones I didn't like, and the ones that are still in pencil are ones that I'm still not sure about.

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

LEGO Wolfenstein?

Noghiri mentioned C4 in the context of a URL link. I did not understand what this C4 was. I decided to look it up via Wikipedia. I went to this page. I got sidetracked and clicked to this page. I then caught the word "LEGO", and stumbled upon LEGO Wolfenstein. It's free, functional, and I'm still confused by its existence.

Alcom Isst

Alcom Isst

Pokemon X & Y Review from a first-time player

Preface: I should probably mention that while this is my first time owning a game, it's not my first time playing. I have a little background with the video games, but only from some events and a friend's game, neither of which really count. I have played a little of Emerald and Sapphire, although I was quite familiar with the Pokemon and details about them from Kanto through Hoenn due to my having played the TCG. ...I also once played a ROM of Fire Red, when I was a lot younger. My



Shadowblaze - Slammer

Heya. This is a tribal Drumstep with a crazy second drop. I hope you'll like it, it also has a guiatr in it! http://youtu.be/yAW47TntWLM Listen on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/c24dubstep/c24-slammer EDIT: AW YEAH WOULD YA LOOK AT THAT LINK



A TFOL's Response to Greenpeace's LEGO Petition

A TFOL's Response to Greenpeace's LEGO Petition     By Brigs    Generally, I don’t waste my valuable time on petitions senseless as this one. Nevertheless, this fallacious pile of KRE-O has gained considerable circulation in the LEGO Community, and thus merits a well-articulated response.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhbliUq0_r4   http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/en/   Let’s break this down piece by piece, starting with the video it



Colorful Raiders

You don't want me to have fun changing a site's CSS to make everything the same color (aidenpons). You end up with all this. Because aidenpons begged so much to know how I did all this so quickly, here is the template to follow. * { background: #fff !important; color: #000 !important; } Notes: * is known as the universal selector. It selects all elements in a page. Use of the universal selector is discouraged because it can be



Birthday Presents

Let's cut to the chase. This year I got an awesome haul: The Sea Cow (LEGO Set). It took me 9 hours to finish it. The LEGO Movie (Everything is Awesome Edition + Special Edition). Two different people bought me different editions, which means I get all the neat content LEGO Sort & Store President Business LED Light (Similar to my Bad Cop one) DK LEGO Minifigure Year By Year: A Visual History (Book) Klutz LEGO Crazy Action Contraptions The LEGO Movie Master Builder's Atta



Shadowblaze - Icicles

Heya, this is a new music! And it's surprisingly very epic! And I should really stop using exclamation marks, because they are really annoying!. As usual, I made a commentary for the video. This time I tried to make it more interesting, and I made the text show for longer, because people told me that the text scrolled too quickly. You're welcome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDmMBkkdBL8 Listen on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/c24dubstep/c24-icicles For your inf




Everything is cool when you're part of a team! Yep! That's right! I finally saw The LEGO Movie! Now... There is only 1 thing I really hatted about TLM... That I didn't see it sooner! Okay so, being totally honest, this movie made me feel... enlightened? Inspired? Happy? AWESOME?! Really, I had a smile on my face the entire time I watched it. It's the kind of movie that I needed. Possibly the inspiration I needed for what I do in life. It's also made me see LEGO in a whole

Drill Master

Drill Master

Shadowblaze - Time Out

Watch out! A new music has occurred. This is a very fast DnB, and it is wonky. I'm gonna use it for my secret project of which half of the active users here know about. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy the music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyV2XQ8EBj0 Listen on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/c24dubstep/c24-time-out



Electronic Arts: Moore like Embezzling Assets

http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-golden-age-for-gaming-upon-us-industry-needs-to-embrace-change/1100-6420874/ If I may, for a second; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6DAxC6wp70 I'm not even going to grace this with a description. Let's just get to ripping apart the quotes. Yeah, so long as you have the equivalent of a $1000 US to buy that shiny new PS4 in Brazil. What if you live in Afghanistan or Antarctica. Could I play games there too? As a company, you've succe



[Coming Soon] Pixelmon Let's Play

Finally! It has come to my attention that Pixelmon has finally been updated for Minecraft 1.7.2. The reason I'm happy about this is because I can finally play it on my computer. I could not play the 1.6.4 update due to Minecraft's old world generation programming, which was remade in 1.7, which in turn cleared up a lot of lag issues I had while playing. Anyway, this LP is something I've wanted to do since I first heard of Pixelmon. I figure it to be some side entertainment in between my mus

Drill Master

Drill Master

Three landslide prevention mistakes to avoid

It's safe to say that landslides occurring aren't just a fad. They're here to stay. Many are calling them the new frontier of the disaster world. With each passing year more and more Chief's are finally convinced that it's time to give landslide prevention a try. But as is always the case when launching a mining plan in a new channel, there are many pitfalls that Chief is unaware of. Because landslide prevention encompasses so many different channels, the number of possible mistakes are huge. No



Shadowblaze - Life On Mars

I hope this is the last music I make that has a stolen name. I completely forgot to write a blog post about this music, but now, here it is! This is a Liquid DnB track, with 4 different drops. I am mad, yes, I am That Mad Composer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIpalmo0TVs Enjoy! Also enjoy the weird link that this video has. Listen on SoundCloud, even though the video is better: https://soundcloud.com/c24dubstep/life-on-mars Oh, and on YouTube don't forget to set the



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