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Drill Master's IMAX 3D Experience: Gravity

Hey guys! As you may know, I went to watch the movie Gravity in IMAX 3D today. I decided to write a review of it and share my thoughts. This review DOES HAVE MAJOR SPOILERS, so if you wish to experience the movie on your own, DO NOT open them. All un-spoilered content will just be basic info and my thoughts. So if you are interested, read on as we dive into Drill Master’s IMAX 3D Experience: Gravity! Movie Details: Gravity (October 4, 2013) (USA) PG-13 90 Minutes Drama, Sci-Fi,

Drill Master

Drill Master

Ultimate EB Expo 2013 Wrap-Up: Part 2 - That Expo Feeling

Yeah yeah, I know guys, I need to talk about the games, but there were SO many games that even trying to get it all down in a draft version is difficult. We will come to it, I promise, but right now I want to clear out some other stuff just so I don't miss anything. And while we're on the subject of apologies, I just recently found out that a few things I may have said before were wrong. As I said, I was tired and sore, so it's likely that I've muddled words. The Kinect 2.0 WAS featured, althoug



Really TT?

So I'm just playing LCU when... Oh? What is this I see? C'MON TT YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS. THAT TEXTURE DOES NOT GO THERE. And the lights... why use the hinge blocks if they are attached to THE WALL? I AM DISAPPOINTED IN YOU TT.



Ultimate EB Expo 2013 Wrap-Up: Part 1 - Consoles

Well guys, you might have noticed my absence as of recent, and in big part it's due to my involvement with the EB Expo 2013, which I'm going to give you a nice insight to. It was one hell of a massive and crazy thing, and while it can't really compare to the likes of E3 or Gamescom, it was the biggest convention in Australia (as far as gaming is concerned), and it certainly showed. Working for Ubisoft game me a nice VIP pass to get through on things fast, so I was able to give quite a lot of wha



Creepy Vakama!

So when I showed this image of the Vakama model I'm working on on BZP, someone thought the face looked creepy. Well I said, And it does. Surely inspired by Jimbob's face melted soldier GIF, I present:



OCD and Me

So this is my first ever blog entry, and right now I feel like talking about something quite personal to me. This is not a plea for attention, I just need to get this off my chest, and posting it in public helps, and I guess I just feel comfortable posting it here on RRU, of all places. I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD. Not just the casual 'need to keep things tidy and in order' stuff that people think is OCD. Real, medically diagnosed, life consuming, mentally crippling OC



Inspirational Vol.2 Available!

Today I would to share some important news with you. Inspirational Vol.2 is my second commercial album for indie developers and movie makers. Click the image to get to the music! The album consists of 35 musical tracks (plus 2 bonus tracks!) in the styles of action, adventure, emotional, modern synth as well as suspense & horror As the album is targeted for commercial usage in your projects (may it be games, movies or even remixes!) it con



New Release

Well after a long unproductive summer I finally have a new release. This has most of the buildings in it I may add one or two more. Thanks to le717 for pointing me to the XNA pack when the program wouldn't compile. I think I will have about 2 more updates before working on the AI for the game but I am not sure. I won't put an estimated release time on the next update dew to the amount of time it took me to get this one done all I will say is I hope I can get it done by the end of school this



Hit a Snag

Well I for the most part have finished the building code so I am ready to release a new version but I have switched from a Windows XP 32-bit computer to a Windows 7 64-bit computer because the xp computer died. Now my project will not build because visual studio 2008 will not build to 32-bit when running on a 64-bit computer so I have finished the next release but can't publish till I have solved this problem.



BIONICLE 2: The Game [Developed by Guurahk Entertainment for SolisMagna.com]

I'm currently developing a game (BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui). It will be a 3D, mainly shooter game. It will also have RPG parts in which you can talk to citizens of Metru Nui. It will be linear, but after you complete the game, you will be able to free roam. I'm currently working on some copyright issues, but so far everything is OK. (Everything went wonderful.) Want to help? I'm currently searching for: - Coders/Scripters (preferably with experience with Unity) - A music



Hello RRU!

So this morning I noticed something I hadn't noticed. (off to a great start, ain't we?) Blogs. On other sites, blogs are a premier-only option. (yes, I AM glaring at you, BZPower.) So I'm glad here it isn't that way. I will post updates on what's up with the game I'm making. Cause I did mention I'm making a game, right...?



Film music+Game music and a special sneak peek

Hey everyone, I have some new music, some for the TUa Project, some for my Game project and an extra special piece for an upcoming video for YouTube. But I have something important to say first; I am sorry I posted this up again, especially since it is a pain to upload the music, but I really wanted to let you know that (like I have already mentioned in a Profile Feed post) I am working on something secret by myself. Of course you might be taking this in as a stupid excuse, if so then I defian



Wot I Fink: Video Gaming

Original post with comments that clarify some of what I've said: http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/dg0Pw/can-we-please-have-another-industry-crash/page/31337 I don't like the gaming industry as it is. Everything sucks. AAA is less about trying to take chances on making something incredible and more about pleasing the lowest common denominator, of which many screech from the tops of mountains, belittling those who actually have a valid opinion. Publishers no longer are PUBLISHERS but instead f



Attention all Skyrim modders and fans!

I would like all you Skyrim fans/modders on RRU (if there are any) to read this. A little over two months ago, I joined a project called Beyond Skyrim. The goal of this project is to enable the player to travel "beyond Skyrim". And we need all the help we can get. So, if you have any skills in level design, modeling, texturing, writing, scripting, composing music, concept art, voice acting, or even being an "ideas guy", we'd be glad if you would be interested in helping us. Now, I'm go



VA Tryouts: Important Update

Dear All, I am in need of 3 people to do voice acting for a certain something of mine. Anyone willing to tryout must let me know in a PM. This is a serious project, and if you tryout I will tell you more. All I can say is that it is for a game I am in the process of creating. I already have 1 person helping with voice acting, and I have 3 spots left. Important information: Members with a Skype account are preferred. I will work with those on Skype 1st. Email is not preferred,

Drill Master

Drill Master

Voice stuff for Game project

For the first time I am actually making progress on a project I post up about! Anyway, This was made into a blog just so I could put a voice clip inside... If you have been flicking through my 'Blender Stuff' gallery you may have found this...: A character for my not-so-going-to-work-out YouTube series which I apparently dumped immediately... Especially since I never (and still haven't) gotten permission from the Office Drones model creator HJMediaStudios. Also I hadn't gotten



Dumping my RR dream here because.

Right kiddies, I want you to listen to this awesome experience I'm archiving here. Last night, I had a recurring dream. And in this dream, were a bunch of rockraiders. It was that one weird level I often end up playing in RR dreams. However, this time, I found several interesting and different things: A) There were two new floor types. The first was a modification of Ice, and the second was some sort of purpley weird rocky? ground. B) There was a big blue crystal/stalagmite growing



Coming back to the site.

Hello all, you may or may not remember me, but I have been thinking for a long time now about coming back to this site I remember when I did stupid things like spam topics,dumb child content, really bad grammar and spelling,and of course weather reports. But that will be no more, I promise for real I learned from my mistakes. So my goal is to have a new fresh start here by starting over, If some one would be so kind to give me advice on how I could improve even more I would be gladly appreciate



Stuff Happens: My Grandma Passed Away...

Well guys, today... just sucked. It started with me helping my friend move a clock to his grandparents house. It was nice cause I got to hang out with my best friend all day. We moved the clock, then we went and got Subway, and hung out for a while at his house. Then I got a call from my dad... My grandma had been taken to the hospital. She had dementia, and her son (my uncle) and his wife were changing her clothes, when they found out that she was bleeding. They tried to stop it,

Drill Master

Drill Master


Throughout my childhood I spent a lot of time drawing and writing comics and making terrible animations, including a fair bit of LEGO stuff. Over the last 6 or 7 or 8 ish years that's kind of...stopped. But it's something I plan to get back into properly in the near future. So I dug out my crappy old tablet and produced the masterpiece you see above, a work I call "Crudely Drawn Happy Afro LEGO Man". My tablet isn't a fancy wacom thing, it doesn't have its own screen, so I'll have to get us



TUa Soundtrack

This isn't a blog entry (even though it is) but a collection of bits of Soundtrack for the TUa stuff. *Ahem* Here they are (so far). Welcome to the CITY: Welcome to the CITY.m4a Security Manufacturing: Security Manufacturing.m4a I am still in the progress of making more.




jamesster: Somebody just ran by me, their first name "Gorilla" PeabodySam: Which almost looks Latin. jamesster: they're an eagle PeabodySam: Eagorilla? PeabodySam: I'm just going to call him Eagor. PeabodySam: Let's find Kownt Drunkula so he can work for him. jamesster: hah PeabodySam: And together they can make Fronkenshteen. PeabodySam: But oh no Cragger stole the cheese. PeabodySam: Now they have no more drugs. PeabodySam: So now it's up to Rex Furry to save the day. jam



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