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My Gaming History - Part 1 - The Prophetic PS1

This is something I've wanted to do for a long while, but I horrible at concentration. I can't really vouch for the validity of the order I finished these games in or bought them in, but that's not really the point. The point is the lessons I've learned because of what I have learned. As such, it's very likely there's going to be a LOT of games I won't list, because of shoddy memory, or because they just weren't important enough. Also, I had to remove images for most of the cases. Apparentl



Arctic Frenzy! New Custom Map.

I created a new level that is meant to be a sequel to Level09 (Frozen Frenzy). In this Mission you have crashed in the very next cavern due to the engine in the Tunnel Transport Icing Over. In Order to escape You must colect 50 Energy crystals while avoiding the many hazards. Let me know what you think and please post any comments or feedback. Download: Here (Or from Attachment)ArcticFrenzy.zip Will likely add more close up screenshots later. PS: If you open this map and frozen



Seaborgium's Mobile Dilemma.

I'm not going to discuss the recent personal issues between members. Instead, I'm going to discuss a certain post. It's written informally for audiences who don't spend hours a day reading through encyclopedias and aspire to become verbally overwrought. I prefer this style of writing as it makes the article more interesting and personal. AAA developers/publishers like to play it safe. They are in business to make money, and they don't like spending money without some acknowle



The Essence of Imagination

At this past LEGO club meeting, I noticed a profound theme of creativity and the fundamentals of imagination. At the meeting, all the members brought a polybag, and put them into a container. Everyone drew a random polybag, and were tasked with building something original with the parts. Discarding the instructions, I was unsure what to build with my unconstructed Bat-Tumbler. It could instead become a mech (or a Bat-Mech), a whale, a plane, a house-- yet I decided on a space shuttle. Players we



Operation: Barbeque (The mission to fix LDD's Field of View)

The Situation On April 27th, 2014, several images were found, developed by Eurobricks user 'Bbqqq', that had LEGO Digital Designer at an enhanced field of view. Infuriatingly, Bbqqq did not include instructions on how to increase LEGO Digital Designer's field of view angle, so I proceeded to contact the guy via Eurobrick's private messaging system. Operation Barbeque is a plan to retrieve information from Bbqqq, which will allow myself and anyone to modify the Field of View of LEGO Digital Des

Alcom Isst

Alcom Isst

Blade Symphony - Original Composition

It's been months since I last posted here, but it's also been months since I last uploaded a new piece of music. So here we go! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M66XFoDTVg Blade Symphony by JDBArtist created in 1 hour without my keyboard as it is currently in repair (so please accept my apology for the constant high-level velocity, I felt it was right for the tone and vibe of the track) I admit it sounds almost like an anime soundtrack. I had this tune in my head for a day and I



What Bugs Me Most About Mass Effect...

We have technology in the modern day called "Video Cameras". Most of our mobile and desktop technology now comes bundles with some form of "web camera", we have VR sensors like the Kinect and LeapMotion. Many vehicles, including trucks, buses and police cars have cameras installed to record incidents that might occur on the road. Many places in public we visit also use Video Cameras to record for security purposes. Most importantly, a significant number of people doing incredible physical activi



A LEGO Racers board game

Long ago when Explore became Duplo again and furry minifigures didn't exist I was drawing LEGO Racers tracks and made some sort of a board game out of them. I simply drew the outlines of the track design and divided the track in sections. Then with a pair of dice and pawns you'd play the game in turns by moving your pawn as many steps as the number you rolled with the dice. Ofcourse this simple concept wasn't very interesting, but I continued drawing more maps nonetheless, as I really enjoyed th



Bungie Fires Martin O'Donnell

(RRU needs better Twitter integration) I can't hide it. I still have a soft spot for the games I grew up with, even if I don't necessarily enjoy those types of games anymore. Halo was one from my childhood. Quite a big part, in fact. A very large part was the incredible soundtrack constructed by Martin O'Donnell. This tweet confirms that the King of the Ivory Tower has been removed from his throne. It's a sad, unfitting end to one of the greatest musical legacies in gaming. Report



Choose a name for the map I had in mind.

Anyway, I was planning to make a map that uses steep height levels and wanted to name it after a famous mountain. the easiest name to work from seemed to be Mount Kilimanjaro. So here are the choices. 1. Mount Legomanjaro 2. Mount Kilimanlego 3. Mount Kilegomanjaro 4. Suggest your own idea in a Comment Update: I have made a lot of progress on the map and although I have not even started on the Npl I wanted to submit a sort of pre-release version of the map so I could get feed



The LEGO Movie Videogame

Before we start; I don't like to insult or say harsh things about Game Developers. They work hard, long hours with minimal pay, and usually to little payoff. I'm sure with this game they worked their absolute hardest. However, I don't think it's right to ever let a game just slide away with cardinal sins, and so I will be brutal if need be. Not because I hate the devs, but because I hope that, if I can't teach them what's wrong, I can help prevent future devs from making the same mistakes.



Wolfy's Official Unofficial Contest HOORAY!

Basically I was planning on adding a Rock Raiders United Logo of some sort right below level 25 in my Custom Map Slots Mod (and my Ultimate Map Pack Mod as well) to separate the Original Levels from the Custom Levels. I thought it would be a great thing to have in there but, I was having trouble finding a way to make it blend in correctly with the level select screen. So after some thinking, I decided that instead of simply asking for help I would make a little contest out of it so anyone in the



About this Blog

I plan to use this blog as a way to post intermittent updates to whatever Mods I am working on, as well as request help on things that are lower priority. I may also post the more unimportant or rhetorical questions I may have. Okay then, I officially declare this blog... OPEN! (Cuts big ribbon with a pair of giant safety scissors.) Anyone have some confetti? :)



Why can't I finish an RPG?

I play an absurd number of RPGs. It's probably my favorite genre. But I can't help but notice that, despite the amount I have played, I have finished very few. A total of 4, in fact. The World Ends With You, The Last Story, Fire Emblem Awakening and Pokemon X. That's it. Now what have I played, but not completed? The first 6 Final Fantasy games The first three Dragon Quest games and DQ9 Every Single Pokemon game Every Single Fire Emblem game All three Mother games Super Mario RPG t



Letter to Microsoft from the UK Government

Dear Our Beloved Microsoft, We have lots of money (no not really. We are broke, but we will act like we do by raising taxes again). Would you be a dear and extend personal Windows XP support to us, please? We were lazy and choose not to upgrade our 64,000 computers running Windows XP and ignored the fact you were discontinuing the 12 year old operating system until the last minute! We need you to extend support to us so we can take a full year to upgrade "most" of the machines to Windo



The LEGO Movie Videogame (PC) Review

The LEGO Movie was definitely a different take on the idea of a LEGO movie than Clutch Powers or the BIONICLE movies were. Instead of being about LEGO minifigures within a real universe, it turned out that they were really just toys being played with by some kid. I can't say I was a big fan of that part - I think it was interesting, but not as appealing as the parts with minifigures. I got the game recently. All I knew to expect was the new kind of building (instruction builds) and a game w




I think I'll start off on this blog. Anyway, if you don't know me, I am RPGamesAnimeVirgo98! (That's a long name, I know. ) But you all can call me Virgo if you'd like. Okay, I love Pokémon. Isn't that obvious? I'll tell you some random facts about me so you can get an idea of what kind of Trainer I am! 1.) I've been playing for 12 years, I'm pretty sure I'm a pro by now... 2.) My first Pokémon game was Pokémon Sapphire for the Game Boy Advance. 3.) First Pokémon: Treecko 4.)



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