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Taste of Music

Todays topic, music... Music is like... like... how do I start? It is like a book, it can be good, exciting and joyful at some points but then there are the bad parts of the song. It might be fast, slow or just right. Every one has a different taste. Say someone liked Orchestra (such as me) and someone else likes rock, someone likes techy noises in music, etc... Music allows the feel of happiness, sadness, all different emotions to come to the mind. It doesn't even matter if the music is a n



My Life As A Composer

Dear All, Some of you may know that I like music a lot, And that I have actually composed my own music. I have posted a few of my works on Skype and have gotten good feedback, so I am posting my works here for all of RRU to hear. Feel free to comment, criticize, suggest changes, or request anything. I have been composing since Freshman Year 5 years ago. I have played the Alto Saxophone in band for 6 years, and I also play the piano. I have loved the piano ever since I was young. My fir

Drill Master

Drill Master

Microsoft wants to forcibly take two domains

It's been a while since out last news report, but I couldn't let this one slip by. We all know Microsoft brought out its latest "entertainment package", the Xbox One, yes? Well, they wanted a website specifically for the device. Unfortunately, as it turns out, the domain(s) is parked by a guy in Britain...from at least 2 years ago. xboxone.com and xboxone.net are both owned by a man from Britain, and as it turns out, the webarchive indicates that the site may have existed as far back a



Battle of the Consoles: E3 Update!

Dear All, (Scroll Down for the E3 Update) Yes, as you know, with the topics and status updates and the News entries being posted, The whole "Battle of the Consoles" seems to be the latest trend, and I am here with my full opinion to this social epidemic. So where do I begin? How about the Wii U? The Wii U. I used to love Nintendo a lot. I have owned many systems from them: The Nintendo, N64, GBC, GBA, GBA SP, DS Lite, and the DSi XL. I mainly played Pokémon, Mario, Kirby, o

Drill Master

Drill Master

Leave or not?

Yep. A recent blog post by McJobless has noted my stupidity within my first posts: Linking to a website when talking about someone who had died, posting sound AVI's in random topics... *sigh* Then I came up with ideas (many of them were pretty stupid after all) which I posted up here. Later I realised there was a topic for project discussion, finding this out lead to many slaps on the forehead. Now I am thinking... Should I leave or not? It is my choice (until I get banned from RRU) to do so o



Wot I Fink: Family

I never thought I'd have to do this kind of entry, but my feelings on the matter are quite high, and I think I have some explaining to do. I'm sorry in advance. Hopefully it will never come to this again. I remember first joining RRU. It was just before dinner on a school night, all the way back in 2010. I had just gone through my emails (this was my second email account) on my brothers computer in his room (already showing who would be the richer one), and found a brand new RRU newsletter



Biweekly Update #4 - End of School

Today was my last full day of school. Exams are next week, but those don't count. Well what has happened the last two weeks? I'm not sure, really- my mind is clogged from all the things that happened in the last two DAYS. Well, specifically one thing, that being the German comic. I STILL CANNOT FIND THE OTHER HALF AND ITS KILLING ME and I literally cannot think of anything else right now. I wrote this out of obligation but it's lacking in content. Hopefully I will write more once I g



LEGO Racers vs. LEGO Racers 2 - Analysis

I will be comparing LEGO Racers and LEGO Racers 2 in this blog post. I had more of an introduction but my stupid browser closed. I am in no way an experienced reviewer, so I apologize if this is awkward. I also apologize if there's any big spelling/grammar errors or inaccuracies. Outside of Races: LEGO Racers has a build function to let you build cars. It's a little clunky, but it works well. There's a lot of customizability, and you unlock the part sets of the bosses that you beat. The b



How to create my old signature.

Just in case you ever wondered. One day I'll rebuild this, but it'll look cleaner and with different images. "YOU, you are the reason I hope we bomb Australia you kangaroo loving douche bag, go kill yourself!" ~ Shadow322 "pepper314: maturity is the state of being a fully grown adult, it is NOT the behaviour and personality of said adult" These emblems were created at http://www.says-it.com. Slide your mouse over the images to see what they each represent



Wot I Fink: Games shouldn't be called "Games"?

We're only three episodes in, but I'm sure everybody is already clambering over each other to slit my throat. Nonetheless, opinions must be shared. There's plenty on my mind, and I want to share it all. That said, looking over this argument, my brain is a little too scattered to note if I've forgotten anything, which I probably have. There will probably be a follow up article some other time. I'm quite annoying by casual gamers . That is probably the biggest understatement ever heard by any



NVIDIA Shield, An Android-Powered Handheld Console?

Technically, this would fall under "Tech News", but since we don't have that yet, I may as well put this here. That and james is doing a fine job with LEGO News as it is. You know all of those Android-powered things that people keep talking about lately (Google Glass, the Ouya, etc.)? Well, here's another one fr the masses. Apparently, NVIDIA (the guys who make good Graphics Cards and tablet CPUs) revealed a handheld gaming device set for release this June, known as the Shield. However



Exploding LEGO Logo

I was messing around with the LEGO logo from the classic games and ended up with this: Personally I think having something like this at the start of LEGO games would have been much more exciting than the gentle falling bricks of old. Although I am a fan of the falling bricks, but that might just be nostalgia :P



Wot I Fink: Women in Gaming - In-Game

NOTE: For now, I just wanted to put out a couple ideas on my stance. I also only covered women in actual games. Another time I'll go more in-depth with more examples and talk about the women who surround gaming. I've rewritten this argument so many times I've lost count. Every time I attempted to write it, I always came off as hypocritical or plain mad, seemingly ignoring the problems. And I know that even in this version, that will still happen. I want to put it out there that people WILL



Wot I Fink: Modesty and Maturity

NOTE: For this episode, when I say "Modesty", I mean it in a professional, clean sense. People being modest, for example, "I'm terrible at singing" when they actually are really talented, is totally acceptable to me, and supposedly I am very modest in that sense of the word in real life. I wanted to start off talking about women in gaming, but Tracker pulled this to my attention. I am completely with TheDoctor. I am absolutely shocked that somebody is offended by so much as a



Wot I Fink: Introductions

They always suck. But seriously, from now on, Wot I Fink is a new segment I'll be writing every once in a while with my opinion on an issue in the world, mostly covering gaming. Issues you can expect me to dump on: Sexism in gaming Casual Games/Gamers Nintendo/EA/Ubisoft Story vs Gameplay vs Graphics Indie Developers New Technologies (like the Oculus Rift) Consumers QC/QA Retro Gaming Player Interpretation and Meaning in Gaming DLC And so on, so forth.




I was looking through some deleted files on my old XP PC earlier when I suddenly found thousands of LEGO Island 2 screenshots from 2004. LI2 is one of those nice games that saves all your printscreens for you. And for some reason in 2004 I got a bit trigger happy with the prinscreen button. There is literally at least one entire playthrough of the game in there represented by screenshots for every world and cutscene and minigame. It is a great game though Have I used enough one-



Biweekly Update #3: Things that bug me

Oh, it's been two weeks already? Definitely snuck up on me there. (Guess what? Chrome's spell check insists that "snuck" isn't a word. Chrome user, try it. Type in "snuck" and behold the dreaded red underline.) Ehem. SO. What's new in the life and times of Fush? Well I've bought several DLC maps in FE Awakening. I have the Lost Bloodlines pack and the Smash Brethren pack. I have enough credit left for one more map pack but can't decide on one. Also, as mentioned in my last statu




About 5 years ago I started using this as my signature on the LEGO forums I visited: After seeing JimbobJeffers's awesome Rock Raiders fig renders I investigated the process of creating renders like that from LDD models, and produced this: It was surprising fast to render on my terrible old laptop and I think it looks pretty nice. Look out for another sig update in about 5 years!



My LEGO Game Collection

Well, it took me awhile to find all of them but here are all of my LEGO games! This includes: LEGO Island LEGO Island 2 (With exclusive Brickster minifigure) LEGO Rock Raiders (Oh course) LEGO Creator Knights Kingdom LEGO Creator Harry Potter LEGO Indiana Jones The Original Adventures LEGO Star Wars The Video Game LEGO Star Wars II The Original Trilogy LEGOLAND LEGO Creator LEGO LOCO LEGO Chess Also shown are the two LEGO board games I own: LEGO Ra

Drill Master

Drill Master


My collection of LEGO games that has kept me entertained for many years (some more than others). There's also a couple of not-games in there that were among this lot in my cupboard. Show in this picture are: LEGO Island (PC) LEGO Island 2 (PC) LEGO Island 2 (GBC) LEGO Island Xtreme Stunts (PC) LEGO Island Xtreme Stunts (PS2) LEGO Racers (PC) LEGO Racers (PS2) LEGO Drome Racers (PC) LEGO Stunt Rally (PC) LEGO Alpha Team (PC) LEGO Rock Raiders (PC) LEGO Loco (PC) LE



Review: Soul Sacrifice Demo

So some of you may have heard about the Playstation Vita? Sony's little machine that couldn't? It really deserves some more games, as It's current library is rather....lacking, to say the least. When I first heard of Soul Sacrifice, I was ecstatic. Keiji Inafune, the man behind Megaman, working on a new game? A portable Monster Hunter game on a system that Capcom have gone on record saying there won't be any on? It's a dream come true. So does it live up to the hype that surrounded it?



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