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Quadrupedal Mech?

Yes indeed, with permission from Fushigisaur I have developed a modified version of the Recon Quad Mech. Said redesign uses my style and part choices, though keeps the same form and mechanics as the original. Lithium Xenophobe File Link.

Alcom Isst

Alcom Isst

Steampunk Drilling Mech - Rock Raiders?

I don't have the enough Teal for a pure Rock Raiders model, and this is actually built for something else, but let's call it Rock Raiders...it would fit into the theme, more or less. More images available on my MOCpages (comments appreciated there as much as here).



We have weapons! [MOC]

So remember that "Quadrupedal Mech" I posted a while ago? I said that I wanted to make a spider-tank but since I forgot to give it weapons I made it a 'recon unit' instead? WELL I GAVE IT WEAPONS I deleted the cockpit, leaving the legs intact, and built up from there. The cockpit is now ugly as s*** since I had to make it smaller to fit the guns in there... I can do better, I know, but I was lazy. I'll fix the cockpit eventually. Hopefully. ALSO IT ROTATES NOW.



Biweekly Update #2

Well I want to be the kind of person who, when I say I will do something, I see it through to the end. Still haven't quite gotten there... The point is, I said I would force myself to blog every other friday, so here I go. Surprisingly little has happened in two weeks. Oh wait. Make that, "unsurprisingly." Well what can I say? Well first I think I should mention that I deleted the first update because it kind of got to me... but I'm over it now. Progress o



Writing dialogue

Well I took a walk just before. When I walk, my mind is free to wander. When my mind wanders, I write dialogue. Yeah. As my mind was wandering, writing subconsciously, I thought up a few things that might make for a witty status update. A lot of things, actually. So i thought, hell, this will never fit in a status update. Better blog it. Okay so first of all, it's an emotional scene- scratch that, back up. First of all, I don't want to talk about the plot or



Time to wake up, what is happening in the States may be starting to affect RRU.

Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant was attacked last night. That is the second infrastructure attack in a week and third (You know what that one was, The Boston Bombing) overall this week. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2013/apr/21/security-guard-exchanges-gunfire-outside-watts-bar/ Here is the other attack: http://www.captainsjournal.com/2013/04/16/electrical-grid-attack/ By the way, that first attack may be why RRU went down and thus the reason for the title. The best case for Watts Bar is a dru



I'm drilling and I blow it. (lyrics) A LMFAO parady that should make you LMFAO

<Many months ago I had an idea. It was to play on the idiocy of Rock Raiders, so I made full of grammar errors to accentuate that fact. Oh, and I can't sing that well, so if you want to help in dealing with that, be my guest.> Whoa whoa <use the one from the game> When I drive on by, Raiders be thinking like what's he gonna fry I'm cool to the heat, passin' by some peat in my hard seat, wahoo this is how I move, highpower drill, gotta keep things smooth its Moron with th



How to find unused, debug or random dialog boxes for any executable using Resource Hacker

I know most of you might know this, but some don't. So I will teach you how to find unused, debug or random dialog boxes for any executable using Resource Hacker. Skip to Step 3 if you already have Resource Hacker Step 1: Download Resource Hacker from here Step 2: Install and open. Step 3: Go to the folder where the exe is and drag and drop it into Resource Hacker. Step 4: You are looking for "roots" or folders named either Menu or Dialog. Step 4.5: If you



Review: Bioshock: Infinite

"The mind of the subject will desperately struggle to create memories where none exist..." ~ Rosalind Lutece Wow. Just. Wow. For 5 years, this game had been sitting in the cooking pot, awaiting the day it would finally see the light. It was delayed 3 times. Some people started to lose hope, believing Irrational Games could never do the impossible; create a sequel equal to or better than the original. They did it. Bioshock: Infinite is art. If all games are art,



Some music appeared in my head this morning

"Shifting allowances, rolling around. We have completely destroyed the Undercy." That is the most sensible wording based on what I heard while bouncing in and out of sleep. My guess is that it came from the economic fail that Cyprus had recently. "Shifting allowances, rolling around." was set to "Gundogs destroyed at a time" from Kitcaliber's "Hell Dive" while the other part was set to "I believe we are the thing we seek" from Kitcaliber's "Radio Dreamin." I say that about the melody becaus



EA CEO Resigns

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3GwjfUFyY6M It's official. John Riccitiello (a difficult name to write) has decided to jump ship. On March 30th, he'll officially be leaving the company. Until his replacement is found, Larry Probst has been named as the temporal replacement by the Executive Board. This is John's second time leaving the company; his stint between 1997 to 2004 was arguable the greatest years of EA, giving us some classic games and rising t



Nintendo Renews An Interesting Trademark

So, who here remembers Eternal Darkness? If I remember correctly, it was a Gamecube launch title, and by GOD was it amazing. It was the first "M" rated game to be published by nintendo, and it had some of the best horror I've SEEN in a game. (It had a sanity meter before it was cool) Nintendo recently renewed the Trademark for the game. Could this be a sequel? A remake for the WiiU? Or just nintendo trying to keep it's own IP secure? We'll know soon enough, I wager. Sources: http:



I really don't understand this.

I got this spam message the other day, and I was hoping it would be something at least barely intelligeable for me to pick on...I was lied to. Simply called "The best DISH offer EVER!!!", it reads: If you can read that, I'll buy you a muffin.



Interesting "game" found on the internet

So, I was browsing Kotaku today, and I noticed they had something on a game they found. It wasn't a full article, just a little thing on the sidebar. It has to do with Gender Dysphoria, and how it affects those that are affected by it. I thought it was a very good teaching tool, and a glimpse into the lives of people like me. Go check it out. Who knows? Maybe you'll learn a little bit more about our lives and how we live them. (Link is in the source) Sources: http://explode.cute



First "Real" entry...

Ok I really had no idea what to call it so there you go... Q.Q Anywho I was experimenting on Inkscape, Gimp, and Picasa for a class project and came up with this wallpaper. Now the writing below the quote is D'ni and translates to Kerath the Great. I am also doing some Myst based artwork for my art class and a lego (specifically Bionicle) stop-motion type video. There won't really be any logical story to it but it will have a story...somewhat...Okay maybe it's just an air battle between Makuta a

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

More Information on Assassin's Creed IV

Seeing as I enjoy the Assassin's Creed franchise, and seeing that there are a few Creed fans within this community (and partly because jamesster keeps getting to all the good stuff for LEGO news), I've decided to write up on the latest in these games. In case you haven't noticed, there was a pretty big leak this week for AC4, in the form of a premier trailer. You see, good old Ubisoft was going to keep this trailer under wraps until Monday (March 5th), when they would also reveal the releas



Mass Effect - Tribute

Good evening my friends, Today I would like to share my Tribute for Bioware's Mass Effect series with you! Please have a listen and tell me what you think of it. The idea for this tune came to my mind whilst spending hours cracking planets in Mass Effect 2. All the best, Jake



Introduction and prologue

Shorah! (A greeting in D'ni), Konichi'wa! Well I have decided to start a blog. This will be a first for me since I am not usually much of a blogger but here in this blog I plan to post photographs I have taken in class, any Video Editing or Animating projects, and Novel ideas to share with the RRU gang. I hope to get some good feedback from you guys. I almost forgot the most important thing I am going to share I mean what is a blog on a Lego site with out Legos? I'll also just simply post ran

The Ace Railgun

The Ace Railgun

LCD Cetace

As two attempted conquests on Earth had occurred within a period of two years, it was decided in a consensus of Earth cultures that the development of a new and massive space fleet was in order. Such a fleet would establish Earth as a grand space power, capable of not simply defending itself from assault, but being swift and effective about it. At this time, all defensive operations against alien invaders and threats upon Earth had been reactionary, with specialized teams and military units bein

Alcom Isst

Alcom Isst

Mobile Suit Taurus

First off, the title is a Gundam reference, though I do not watch Gundam (but I really should) and this does not have anything to do with the show itself. Just wanted tomake that clear. Anyway, This is for you, McJobless. I said I'd do a biped,so I did a biped. And here it... ...My God, what have I done? This is just, just... Well anyway, I *shudder* I wanted to go with an astrological motif, (I like that kind of thing) and I started with Taurus



My haul from Brighton Bricks

So 23 days ago I bought $80 worth of plastic from Brighton Bricks, one of these pieces of plastic being the windshield I needed to complete my Celihopter. In the other $79-ish worth of plastic was a fantastic array of LEGO bricks for future projects plus two accidental bonus bricks.

Alcom Isst

Alcom Isst

Obsidian Could Do Another Star Wars RPG

:lol: If you're a Star Wars and a Gaming Fan, chances are KotORII was one of, it not your most, favourite Star Wars video games. Yeah, it wasn't exactly "perfect", but Obsidian took what BioWare started, ran with it, added a whole new dimension of complexity and intrigue to it, and released something beautiful. Well, it looks like, even after Disney stated they would shift more focus onto mobile and casual games ( > ), Obsidian, according to CEO Feargus Urquhart, is gearing up to do anot



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