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Rock Raiders Modding Suite 2.0 Fix 1

Good morning RRU! This is important for those who encountered the TypeMisMatch Exception error during runtime! The Issue has been fixed! Please download the new RRU Modding Suite version below this post. If you encounter any other bugs, errors etc. or if you have suggestions and feature requests, please use the forum thread to mention them! That's it for now, happy modding! Masterchief Rock Raiders Moddin



New Alpha! (Finally) (April Fools!)

Hehe, this is not a real release. It's was an April Fools joke. Do take note, however, that the features outlined here are the features planned for the actual alpha release. Hey guys, After too much time, I've finally got something out - The Alpha Release! It's not too much, but...It's something! Features: - 3D! Graphics and world. - Simple procedurally world generation. - Simple procedurally generate entities. Read the file "manual.txt" for usag



The Blizzard Arrived - Rock Raiders Modding Suite 2.0 Release!

Rock Raiders Modding Suite 2.0 Release!!! In October 2011 I finally released the source of the Rock Raiders Modding Suite 1.0 to the public. Back then I was about to change my life (move to another country, get a new job etc.) and so I had to make a difficult decision. I had to stop development of the Modding Suite. Now almost 6 months later I am announcing the immediate release of Rock Raiders Modding Suite 2.0 A lot has change



This May Have Been The Biggest Mistake I Have Made In My Life.

The mistake is making so many accounts on so many forums BEFORE setting up some way to actually to detect if someone has broken the password. The reason this is a problem is my educational account has "weak" links to at least three other accounts, which in turn have "strong" links to this and other places, not to mention each other. The context of weak and strong is how closely related key aspects are between any two account. One account I have I am very worried about because it can lead dire



Rising Sun - My Latest Composition

Welcome to the Rising Sun! Hi again, @ Addictgamer: You finally finished it! So now for everyone: Weeks ago I promised Addictgamer to give it a try and compose something epic, something that features drums, strings and emotion. It wasn't easy but after a while (after 2 weeks making test etc.) I finally got something but it still needed a name, you know a meaningful name! Well as evil as I am, I just asked Addictgamer to give the track a name (without having heard it y



Tf2 Placebo Effect.

There's a thread on SPUF about the placebo effect in TF2. I decided that this topic is interesting, so I'd like to share some of my experiences with you. You can join in and add some of your own experiences in the comments. My experiences: General: Random Crits are cheap: 70% of the times I died, even if I would have died anyway, it's to a random crit. Sentry Annoyance: Whenever I tell my team that there's a sentry ahead, they run in and get themselves killed. Scout: FaN vs



I'm Back! For The Moment

Hey guys, I've finally reached my first camp leave for the weekends. Guess it's been okay other than sustaining some muscle strains If anyone is wondering, I'm from Singapore where able-bodied males of age 18 and above have to serve a mandatory 2 years of National Service to the country Right now, I'm going through 4 months of basic military training before I will be posted to a specific sector to serve the rest of my time. Anyway, I hope everyone has been doing great And I can



Rru Radio: Come And Get Some!

Hey guys! So, as you may have noticed, I have been privileged with the ability to be the new RRU DJ-guy, and as such, you can now click the "Radio" button above to listen to all your favourite tunes! I've restored almost 90% of all the tracks listed in the last two Radio Request topics, as well as add some of my own stuff to keep you all interested...however, I want more suggestions. As soon as the Radio gets to a reasonable size, I'll shuffle around all the songs every Friday, as well as add a



Channel Migration Complete

Hi again, just wanted to inform you that I almost completed my channel migration. The new channel is available at http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJDBArtist/featured As you can see I changed the video design, there won't be any sound animations anymore. Instead the videos will feature adequate backgrounds underlining the themes of my music. At the moment the following tracks have been redesigned and uploaded to the channel: Before War In Shadows Gleam in the N



Off To Serve My Country

Hey guys, I'm off to begin my 2 years of compulsory military service to my country. I'll have a 2-3 week mandatory confinement period in the camp before I'm allowed to head on home for the weekends. After that, I can come home for the weekends every week. I will miss you all. Hope to see you all again soon!



I Need A Game Suggestion.

Before you start shouting "GET BATTLEFIELD" or "GET SKYRIM", take a look at the games I already have and what's in my wishlist. http://steamcommunity.com/id/40KEndgame/games?tab=all http://steamcommunity.com/id/40KEndgame/wishlist/ Based on what you see in my collection and in my wishlist, what can you recommend to me? If you need more information, I'm into shoot-em-ups (vertical scroll, horizontal scroll or 3D into-the-screen), Racing (competitive arcade and simulation), Strategy (turn bas



Fitzroy's Storm Glass - How To Read It

I might as well just cough up my secrets to accurate weather forecasting, since some members might want to know. I don't go by NOAA, The Weather Channel or Accuweather. I use a Fitzroy's Storm Glass - a glass tube filled a water/ethanol mixture and two different salts. The dissolved salts form crystalline structures that change form with the barometric pressure. How to read: If the liquid is clear, expect fair weather. If the liquid is cloudy, expect overcast skies with a chance of r



New Channel - New Composition

Hi again! I may have mentioned it earlier but last week I made up my final decision. I opened my new kind of 'official' You Tube Channel. This means my new compositions as well as some of my older compositions will be hosted on my new channel side by side with my animation stuff (I never mentioned that on the forum but if you took a glance on my profile you might have read that I am actually a 3D game designer). The new name of my channel should sound a little bit more serious, howev



Is Team Fortress 2 Crashing With The Windows Generated Message: Hl2.exe Has Stopped Working? Here's A Possible Solution.

First off, we need to figure out the problem. This is not a replacement troubleshooter, rather this is a solution to a problem that VALVe has failed to acknowledge. First off, try EVERYTHING they suggest in the troubleshooter. You can find it at https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=9402-MKEN-1517 If that doesn't work, there's a fix that they mentioned in my support ticket that seems to help with some issues. If none of those work, then we've identified th



Never Trust Itunes With A Disk In Your Drive. Ever.

Isn't iTunes' auto-import feature handy? You can simply pop in your favourite CD, and within minutes your wonderful music will be in your library without a single click of the mouse. However, this feature can go wrong very easily. So, today I decided to do some Speedruns of Lego Rock Raiders for PS1. So I put the CD in my drive, closed AutoPlay (because, let's face it, no-one uses it), started up my emulator and closed the annoying iTunes window wanting to import the tracks from the CD that we

The Brigadier

The Brigadier

Which Is Important?

The above was my response to a conversation over this image. I am frustrated, clearly, with the apathy towards political issues that really aren't even that difficult to get the gist of and that affect us profoundly. The American People have neglected their duty to maintain vigilance, and as a result, our inalienable rights of liberty suffer. I don't think it's time to give up on liberty - I don't even think we've really had it yet.



A Handful Of "dead Unicorn" Tropes I Would Like To Comment On

Alright. I just want to comment on a few things. First off... What is a "Dead Unicorn Trope" If a "Dead Horse Trope", a trope that has become so overused that parodying it has become a trope of its own, wasn't really a trope to begin with, it is considered a "Dead Unicorn Trope" instead, since it's a combination of unicorns never existing to begin with, unicorns being described as horses with single horns on their heads, and the whole "beating a dead horse" figurative saying.



We Will Go Home - King Arthur - Song Of The Exiles - Cover

Hi again! This time I am proud to present you a cover version of Hans Zimmer's song of the exiles featured in the movie "King Arthur". I did this cover in co-production with a beautiful singer who's You Tube Nickname is ThePrincessOfTheDark. Without further ado, here's the Link to the Cover! Enjoy and do not hesitate to write me your comments and critics! And if you would like to support me feel free to subscribe to my channel! Wish you the best, JDB alias Masterchief



Hi From Brickulator

Hello, hola, willkommen, bienvenue, konnichiwa, aloha, how ya doing, yo! And in any language, welcome to my blog! I'm Brickulator, I'm also a member of BZP, Eurobricks, (though I'm not particularly active at either of those), I joined iBricks 2 like 5 years ago and have stuck with that community through the various forums that it evolved into. I also used to post on the LMB a long time ago and have joined a few other lego forums over the years. But none of that's very interesting so let's mo



Dementia - Intro/ch.0

Pain. Searing pain. It's all I could feel. It overtook all my senses. I slowly opened my eyes, I saw darkness...nothing but darkness. As slowly as I opened them, I closed my eyes, drifting off into sleep again. I don't even remember much of what happened. I just remember rainfall, and a flash... -Several weeks later- I jolt awake, the pain having dulled, but not completely left me. But now...I feel almost nothing where my left arm should be. I try to move it, but strangely fi



Vex Robotics

So today was my school's VEX Robotics qualifier. We didn't do so well. Our first two alliance partners flipped over and ripped their arm off inside one of the goals, respectively, so that sucked. We won 2 of the four remaining qualifying matches. We got 28th place out of 39. We barely got chosen for the finals alliances. Our alliance won the first out of 3 quarterfinal rounds (best 2/3 passes on to the semis), but we lost the next two. We lost the championship rounds. But.



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