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Sneek Peek: Dementia

Here's a sneek peak to a story I'm writing, Entitled "Dementia" Pain. Searing pain. It's all I could feel. It overtook all my senses. I slowly opened my eyes, I saw darkness...nothing but darkness. As slowly as I opened them, I closed my eyes, drifting off into sleep again. I don't even remember much of what happened. I just remember rainfall, and a flash... -Several weeks later- I jolt awake, the pain having dulled, but not completely left me. But now...I feel almost




I've nvr noticed till now that the tab that keeps track of the no of ppl and members are online says: xxx derps are online ಠ_ಠ Lol, nice one Cyrem



As Zephyria's Life Improves~

Guys. My life is awesome. As many of you know, I now have a girlfriend, who I love like...Like I would give anything just to hold her in my arms~ I love her more than I love video games~ Oh, and Diablo 3 coming out soon. Looking forward to that, I guess.



Really, Physics Textbook?

Really, Physics Textbook? A short one. I was reading a high-school physics textbook recently, and I stumbled upon a lovely section on magnetism and another on the planets' magnetic fields, right next to each other. I find it amusing. In one section: -Electric currents cause magnetic fields. -Electric currents can cause rotation. In the other section: -It is unknown why the planets have magnetic fields. -It is also unknown why the strength of the magnetic field i



Project Guardian Angel Delayed

Sry, but my newest RR building project will be put on hold for a while. Because I've been trying to restore as many of my old lego sets as possible, taking down the missing parts so i can order all the bricks in one go at bricklink to avoid multiple high shipping costs :/




Traveler I have walked the streets of the Dark City, and crossed blades with graceful alien gladiators. I have explored deep caves of green glowing gems, and have claimed the heads of stone golems. There is not a more beautiful sight then a sunset over an ocean of mercury. I have seen the great spires of a metropolis long ago, and raced great flying chariots through sprawling deserts. I have trekked through rainforests and grasslands, and befriended the amazing creatures that live t



Glitch City

I've been working on documenting different glitches in different games. Check out my Glitch City gallery and tell me what you think.



Gleam In The Night - Sequel To "in Shadows"

Hi again, Today I am proud to tell you that I finally finished my latest composition. Actually this one was already completed 2 weeks ago but during the process of postproduction, cleaning things up, listening to it, adjusting the equalizers, searching for the right compressor... Well I discovered during the process of Postproduction that this track was far from being finished. So it took me 2 weeks to clean this track up and to finalize it. It`s the first track that uses a new compressor V



Ah Metadata...

Metadata is wonderful. It helps us know what are songs are, what bitrate our videos are, and the titles of both video and audio, as well as other things which I cannot name right now. But metadata can also be used against someone and something company. I was converting the Racers 2 music to put on my mp3 player the other day (since they are just .wav files after all). And what I found in the metadata of every last one of them was very suprising. I, and many other people, would ass



Upcoming Rr Building Model

Yes, the RR team would be receiving a new type of building developed by the RR Research & Development Department. Details of the proposed building is sketchy, but one raider managed to sneak a peek at a snippet of the plans while snooping about the Research Lab, the building was codenamed Project Guardian Angel. Wonder what that means?



A Quick Update On My Busy Life

Ah...Rock Raiders United. The first forums I've been an active member on. It's been a while. College is going well. I finished my last semester with all 4.0s. I got a Commodore 128 for Christmas, and a few smaller things. I'm now an active member on the Minecraft forums, mainly active in the mods section, acting as a beta tester and helping people with errors. One truly amazing mod I've been really into lately, is ComputerCraft. It's a LUA programmable computer that can connect with r



Before War - 2Nd Epic Track

Hi again! It's time again for me to present you my latest work! The track is called "Before War" and it took me 2 days to complete it. Therefore I would like to mention that there might be some mistakes in the track that should have been fixed before the music went online but as this track was part of a competition (write a classical/epic track in 2 days), I tried as fast as I could to produce something that reflects my ideas. The basic idea for this track was a scene of King Arth



A Theory About Star Wars Stormtrooper Armour And Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Power Armour

This random thought came to my head, but in Warhammer 40,000 Lasguns are S3 AP- Rapid Fire. Because of this, they are almost worthless against heavy armoured troops like Space Marines, Eldar Aspect Wariors, Dark Eldar Incubi, and Tau Battlesuits. Space Marine Power Armour gives an armour save of 3+ (requiring a 3, 4, 5, or 6 on a six sided die), meaning that it's very strong. Assuming that a Blaster from Star Wars is about as strong as a Lasgun, yet it can blow holes through Stormtroop



Recording With Gregion For Dummies!

For those of you who don't have Fraps (like me), and you want to record game videos, you can now read my tutorial on how to use Gregion! I'm not going to say much, it's all in the tutorial. Yes, it's not perfect (and neither is the tutorial), but I use it all the time. NOTE: It will not record LR1, and thus, LRR. I've tried on LR1, and it will not pick it up. I've found Gregion records DX8 and up only, as well as OpenGL. http://triangle717.w...egion-tutorial/\ Any questions s



Where I Have Been

The Basement Nerds at thebasement.dyndns.org. Its main admin wants some new players and there is a project that needs help in one of the worlds (Elderscrolls, formerly Downtime), It does not have a whitelist. Just be sure to read the wall.



Imperial Takeover... I Haven't Seen Anything Like This Since Bulbagarden's Rocket Takeover

Well, first off, I'm getting a major case of Deja Vu here. When Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver were released, a Team Rocket Takeover was staged on Bulbagarden. My allegiances are where the similarities end. On Bulbagarden I sided with the resistance, here I side with the Empire. In other news, well, it's still related but until this whole thing blows over I'm the unofficial Tie-Fighter repairman at a remote imperial outpost.



An Update On Servers - Mc On Hold Until Tomorrow, Gmod Spacebuild W/ Stargate And Carter's Pack Is Open

Alright, I have to admit that I'm taking my pleasant time with the Minecraft server, since the most recent updates have made me hesitant to start it up again. Until then, I have started a new Garry's Mod Spacebuild server. In other news, my IP address has changed to Garry's mod is on port 27015, Minecraft will be on port 25565, Trackmania2 will be accessible through port 2350, and TF2 will be available through port 27016 in order to avoid line interference. The Garry's M




I'm done reprogramming the engine in Vala (all except for the 3D parts. Seeing that I can't test (or even compile) them). All that remains is gaming break and then yelling at the maintainers to unscrew the packages and then adding in all the 3D code, and then actually programming the game.



Let's Play Catch Up With Zeph's Life.

Now as you may have noticed, I haven't been online at all anymore. I hope this blog will clear a little bit of that up. 1) My PS3 So my PS3 has been taking up most of my time lately, Been trying to platinum a game called "Fallout: New Vegas" (Im sure you've heard about that game before) 2) My PSP Lately, I've been getting into PSP modding, so I was doing that for a while. 3) School Anything needs to be said here? 4) Other more...private matters. yeah... So oth



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