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An Update On My Life

Ok I am slowly getting better, so I'll be on more often. However friday I won't be on much at all...It's the day of his funeral. And I am one of his pall-bearers.



A Very Long Hiatus...

I never intended to be away, but things happen and I ended up moving on for a while. My computer went down a long while ago (it's been fixed for a while now), and when I fixed it I had learned about a game called Garry's Mod. Yes, Garry's Mod. The glitchiest game in existence. Combine that with Team Fortress 2 (an awesome FPS/Military themed hat collecting sim, depending on your view) and Trackmania United Forever, I guess I just couldn't get back on for a while. Disaster struck on J



Cirevam Has Stolen My Grandmother's Waffles

Recently, my grandmother's waffles were swiped from the very plate they sat upon. I have reason to believe it was sir, Cirevam involved in the illegal acquirement of said waffles. My reason for this suspicion is the fact that Cirevam claims nulls bare a similar taste to that of drained brickonium. He must consume nulls quite regularly for him to be able to identify their taste in other food sources. The fact that he knows what drained brickonium tastes like also suggests he may have been suppli

Sadie Meowsalot

Sadie Meowsalot

I Am Very Proud Of Myself.

Because I made these: Explosion.wav This came out much better beacuse it only has three tracks. I did not intend to make two files today. Here is the one that was meant to be, but came out rather poor: Landslide.wav Try them both.



Orr - Preview

http://www.rockraidersunited.org/index.php/gallery/image/3695-orr-0044-preview/ There you have it folks. Approaching completion of the next ORR release I was about to release it now, but I realized I forgot to add in the construct teleporter buttons and stuff like that So, yeah...Maybe a release today. Maybe tomorrow. Either case, should be in the near future.



What The Heck, You Guys?

Really, just because people don't act the way you want them to? Just because you aren't appreciated as much as other people? Just because there isn't anything new to do on the forum? Take matters into your own hands. If it's people who are the matter, then just freaking ignore them! There's a block option for a reason, which I only have ever used once (guess who ). Don't let people ruin your mood. If you don't get along with people, then just don't associate yourself with them. If pe



Such Is A Day In The Mines 1

The puppy pines, the turbine whines A Raider tells, Chief yells A bat squeeks, this poem peaks The ground rumbles, you alls tumbles The walls turn to rubble, we all run from trouble Alpha peeves, LZ leaves An AIV rands, Cyrem bans People try to revive Spammorz, admins rattle banhammers A storm rolls in, Storm storms out Epic seethes, and Addict asks Jeeves Such is a day in the mines.



I Feel Terrible

I feel horrible. I feel so bad, that I want to go outside and die in a hole. Why? Two things happened. One, I finally got the full realization of what's happening to RRU. Two, my brother who was my best friend, told my mom (who hates gory stuff and violence) about all the video games I play (TF2, HL2, Etc). When she learned this, she came in and grounded me, but I still have my iPod. So my brother betrayed me, and now I have no respect for him. When I ask him why, he just says "I was just tellin



I Can't Take It Anymore. To Hell With This.

Objective two doesn't even seem worth my time anymore. I therefore have no further reason to be here. In other words, I'm leaving this forum. The explanation is as follows: Over the years, RRU has been, to cite a common metaphor, going downhill. There were a number of things along the way that I had nothing but distaste for, but what happened on the third anniversary site release (Which I will refer to as RRU3 from now on) was the final straw. The only reason I've stuck around for this l

Aki Dazrold

Aki Dazrold

System Pors And Cons.

Before you start the counter trolling, I'm putting up facts (mostly) about TLS (System) and LT (Technic), Megablocs (8mm measure), and BTR. Materials: TLS: Mix of ABS and PC, mostly ABS LT: Mix of ABS and PC, heavier on PC when compared to TLS, some elements are PP, a few are suspected to be a PE MB: HIPS BTR: PP suspected, possibly ABS or PC Element design Pins: TLS and LT: Split annualar MB: Split circular BTR: Data Unavai



No, I'm Not Back

I consider RRU the neighborhood I grew up in. It's a place when the members took my internet to places I would have never found if it hadn't been for them. You know when the president gets elected, and people want to know all about the person they're going to hate for the next 4 years so NBC does a report on him re-visiting his home town? Except for the part about being president that's basically what this is. I come back to the forum where I started to drift into the develops of teenage-hood



Status Update - Lwjgl/opengl

Due to the fact that we no longer have our status updates bar, it looks like I'll have to put crap in my blog. If anyone objects, kindly piss off. I don't care what you do to retaliate. Nothing of value will be lost. Anyways, first things first. I've reuploaded the lwjgl test and need people on windows to make sure it works. Launch.bat should do it, but if it doesn't, the launcher jar might. The thing with the jar is that it's cross platform. I've just now realized that I didn't add a run.



The Full Conversation

I am posting this partly because of the comment McStudz made on my page and mostly to complete the objective. This was the PM conversation that ensued after I "laid down the law" in the Kreo topic still visible to the public. The PM was originally sent to both me and Cyrem. Devestater: Were u (FILL IN THE BLANK :rf: ) , KREO TOPIC WAS PLACED IN GENERAL DISCUSSIONS!!!!!!! NOT IN A LRR RELATED DISSCUSION!!! IF U DONT UNLOCK THAT TOPIC, ILL TELL CYREM UR TROLLING ME LIKE U DID WHEN

Aki Dazrold

Aki Dazrold

Proof Of Purchase For LEGO Star Wars 8038 The Battle Of Endor

Hello RRU, i need the Proof of purchase for LEGO star wars 8038 the battle of endor as when i bought this i was missing most mini figures, both speeder bikes and the ewok glider. also i accidently dthrew away the sets instructions along with the box. the proof of purchase will be appriciated and ill thank u if u provide me with the Proof of purchase for LEGO star wars 8038 the battle of endor.



Another Tangentrant (Because The Last One Wasn't Satisfying Enough)

Well it seems like RRU has become more active since the last update due to people having RRU withdraw. RRU is like a drug, a good drug. You get hooked to it and when it goes away, you turn into a zombie and start gnawing people's heads off. Oh wait, that seems to be the norm today. Carry on! Now with the status updates gone, I will be forced to put my random junk in the blogs (oh yes!). If you disagree, I will poke you with a stick and hang you over a fire. Because I'm hungry. That instant



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