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Project Phoenix

Well, I was working on a radio control AGR (Anti Gravity Racer - the term is a misnomer since it's actually just a technologically advanced conventional hovercraft) and left the project alone for a while, only to find out that everything is missing. I put a lot of time, effort and money in to that thing only to find that it was for nothing. Was it really for nothing, though? I did learn a lot about the process of developing such a vehicle... Also, although the vehicle itself is missing




Love = actions actions = time time = work work = pain pain = endurance endurance = suffering suffering = injury injury = destruction destruction = death = Love Real love will die... Someone shoot my philosophical side already.



Look At What I Found!

(I did not expect that cycle.) It is a flip flop if you use a button, a clock with a pressure plate or lever, and a bunch of burned out torches with everything else.



Modding Suite Release

Hello everybody! @ Cyrem: Thank you very much! SciGuy: Thanks a lot! Anonymouse: I really appreciated your suggestions! addictgamer: You were the best and only beta tester! Lair of Rockwhales: Thank you very much for your support! Community: You are the best in the world,everybody of you! So here is it. Reality hits us all, one day: I lost my job... Not bad, didnĀ“t like it that well but the problem is I also lost my license for Revolution alias LiveCode so what do



Kids Shouldn't Swear, So Here's A List

Here, for you guys, I have the full list of words that LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga bans. This comes as I start wrapping up my modifications for the game. This list is hidden in the spoiler, and it does contain some f***ing amazing words. Please keep kids away from here. Fun?




1) HDD died so I got a new one and moved everything to it. Not a problem, just inconvenient. 2) Allergies make RockmoddeR itchy and sick-ish, but not really sick. 3) Getting dumped because you were too nice and you treated your girlfriend like a lady when she didn't want to be treated like a lady sucks donkey balls through a curly straw. 4) Meh.



Donations For Baz's Mod, Etc.

Par request, I'm posting a link to my modding donation-related paypal account. If you enjoyed my mod or wiki work or...? and want to show your appreciation you can donate here: (I'm a bit new to this having only set this up recently for people who want to donate for my L4D2 campaign)



Success! Well, Sort Of...

Well, a friend and I succeeded in creating a variant of the fabled Black Hole glitch in Super Smash Bros. Melee, as you will see in the screenshot. Unfortunately, the game hanged and I couldn't get any more pictures, but I'm sure one image is proof enough. How to create a Black Hole in Super Smash Bros. Melee (Double Ness/Flipper Method - Requires Action Replay MAX or equivalent): You will need the "Super Ness" code active. Debug Mode helps too. I used Debug Mode



Computer Clicker

I made this today. I can't seem to get the scratch-clicks right though and it is a bit shallow. Computer_Clicker.wav (Stereo) I can't export this as a .mp3. I tried. Did get .ogg though (I uploaded it with the waveform). But RRU did not take it.



Everyone, I Am Blarging.

BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG. Seriously though. Acmex got me addicted to a blarg game, with blarg gameplay, that's like dwarf fortress combined with minecraft combined with RPGWO combined with PINGAS combined with a lunacy bin combined with the mass pinger 9001 combined with a keyboard combined with nuclear authentication disks combined with all normal people ragequitting it because the de



I Am An Hero On Teh Internets

Alas! In all, a humble Australian, cast alternatively as both anonymous and amateur by the altruism of Fate. This affair, no mere amok of adventure, is an assemblage of the assery, now apparent, ever present. The only abundance is amplified; an antagonist, held adroitly, ample in the awkwardness of such shall one day attain replacement through adversity. Approval looks arched seeing some hold an ambivalent attitude towards the addresser, let me assure you that I am amongst the most amusingly a



Baz's Mod V1.5 Is Released!

Yep. Only took 2 years. Though granted I wasn't working on it for 2 years straight, probably a couple months cumulatively. Still though, hope you all enjoy it! Everything should be in working order, had a lot of fun making it. http://www.rockraide...d-v15-complete/ That being done, I'll of course still be a part of the community and working on the wikis and what not so don't go thinking that I'll bail now that my overhaul is done. I'll be around. Download it here or on o



Important News That May Impact This Forum

...or not. Sorting from greatest to least importance, here's how the "news" breaks down. 1) LZ seems to be completely and utterly gone from RRU. Not just ragequit and return gone, legit gone. I see him on RRU-stuff from time to time, but that's about it. As his future transposition but past self, it is my responsibility to fill that unfillable hole that he left behind. I am not witty, nor brilliant enough to undertake such a task, but in his memory I must do so. 2) I taught myself



Evo Hummer

I made these using Audacity. 40k has heard the first part. I think this is the first successful attempt at a piece. Evohummer2 has a little (and I do mean little added to it. Otherwise, they are the same. I chose waveforms because they are not lossy. If you listen to them, you will find out how they got their names.



The Promised Eta Carina Leak

I promised to leak a bit of info about one of my projects, so here goes... ETA Carina is a game I am working on in the source engine. It will be a Sci-Fi FPS with some RPG and RTS components and an emphasis on Shipboarding and Planetfall actions. In addition the game will be vehicle heavy, where both sides will have access to tanks (not grav-tanks, more like the Landmaster from Star Fox Assault but with a railgun instead of a laser), fighters, everything up to light transport gunships. I



Defending Against The Horde!

One of the big things i want to have introduced to the overpopulated Zombie genre is survival. just killing as many zombies as possible wont be enough. you'll need to defend yourself, by either barricading your position or by setting b***y traps to thwart would be thieves at night. yes living people wll be your greatest threat in the night, but that will be covered later. well the closest thing to what i have pictured for the building/rts feel is COD: Nazi Zombies, that would be a good exam



Your Handy-Dandy Personal Data Assistant

PDA every game needs a menu, even the pro realistic games have a pause button but in Drop Dead keeping in tune with the realism, you will have a PDA, of course after the outbreak happens you wont have phone service, but like me here in the desert my Droid 2 has really been a mind saver anyway, its where you'll adjust settings, and have access to different story elements and survivor missions and with the marvels in technology these days also has a handy heath monitor, which tells you all abo



Starting Week (Tuturial)

Yeah, yeah, everybody has their wild game ideas... heres mine. Keep in mind that I'm writing this in a very open and compressed format. I imagine it like if Ghost Recon, Dead Rising, COD, and Storm the House had a big orgy and made a beautiful baby out of it... and it didnt turn out looking like "Hills Have Eyes" material... Drop Dead is a combination of all the things Zombie games cash in on the Horror (Zombies and Mass destruction) and the other things they leave out. They seem to all be



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