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Gosh I Love This Blog System

Recent update on my life: C64 sent in and fixed. Was a stupid bad RAM chip (U9 to be precise). It was already socketed, so it was a simple pull out push in job. Guy says the board is a real piece of history. Going to get an old PalmPilot to mess with. That'll be fun. My mom made some really good cookies. I wish I could share them with you guys, but I have no way of transferring physical materials to the interwebz Did some research on brain mapping. seems possible within 100



Back On Rru

Sorry for my LONG time of the forum (almost a whole year) people! I have other bad news as well, RR - CE has to be completely remade. (My [Please Talk Properly]ty laptop died on me and I lost all my stuff) So during my time of I modded Need For Speed: High Stakes as Copasorus101. Anyways, I am back and that with a mighty 0% completion of RR - CE! Stay tuned for more news!

RR Rocks

RR Rocks

Another Tangent Rant

Here I am to rant about my life again. I seem to be turning into a hater, actually. These blogs seems to alleviate my hating for some reason. Every time I talk to someone "mature", they just disrespect me majorly because I'm "stupider" than they are, and know nothing about what I'm talking about. When I do show that I know what I am talking about, they deny it, and then proceed to put me down more, by rejecting my conclusive statement, and replacing it with their idea which is complete ****



Need A New Router

Can somebody give me an idea for a new router? My old router (Linksys WGR614 V10), keeps randomly shutting off every 10 minutes after about 5:00 PM.



Modding Suite - Milestone 2

Modding Suite - Milestone II Today I have reached Milestone II in the Developement of the Modding Suite. Milestone II features a brand new Interface for the Modding Suite as well as 2 different skins and even more to come! The new Interface is cleaned up and very user friendly! Other changes that are involved into Milestone II are: 1. A heavy code cleanup. During the development cycle of Milestone II I removed over 1744 lines of code and rewrote 1350 lines of existing co



Hmmm, Does Anyone Else See My Point?

s0d3rb3rg Today, 09:10 AM Upload these to Brickshelf instead. Stop spamming them here. Tracked Mbl Lsr Cttr Today, 09:28 AM No Brickshelf account. There is no viable way to link them to a topic unless they're here anyways. There is no way to add information to them and putting information in the image itself often renders the image useless unless the text is to small to see. Overall, I don't think it is worth the trouble, as they will all end up here one way or another. Now i



Status Report: February 25Th 2011

Progress resumed a while ago in ORR-C; I now have another computer capable of programming! Current priorities: Bug fixes! Optimizations! Secret project! I hope to get some visible progress done very soon. Oh, and if any of you want to fiddle with pathfinding, please do! It's not as good as it should be...Quite buggy, and slow on large maps.



My Minecraft Walkthrough Part 1: The First Day

Welcome to the world of Minecraft where you can build, mine and most certainly kill! This walkthrough will help you in surviving in the mystical world of Minecraft! Your first night Ahh, so we have teleported into the pixel world of Minecraft, we must get done quick before the dangerous mobs come. First look for some trees, go to the closest tree and get some wood by hitting the tree, then find the next closest and so on until you have 10-15-20 wood, then go into your inve



Now That I Actually Have Time...

Now that I have all my work done, I'm going to do two things for LRR: I'm going to go through the entire LRR directory, deleting all unused files (animations, user inteface icons, unused objects, and unused decals). This should improve locating files, decrease the size of LRR, knowing exactly which files are needing to be editted, and so on. I'm also going to force-enable all HP models, so that the old crappy Low-poly files are not used and confused with. And then I am going to remake my



Modding Suite - The Future

First off: A happy new year to everyone! I know it´s a little bit late by February but since this is my first blog entry in 2011: Happy New Year! So and now let´s get back to business! The Modding Suite Last and latest news was that I dropped the project back in November 2010. And I picked it up by December 22th 2010 Since then I fixed my errors and the bugs I encountered, I also asked Cyrem to create a new Interface layout for the Modding Suite. In January Cyrem deliv



Random Blarg From The Depths Of My Brain.

The number of my days on this planet have increased yet again by one year. One year closer to adulthood, and all it has to offer. But what do I think of this "promotion"? Shall I be content with all of the responsibilities and privileges I gain? Today I am at school, tomorrow I am at work, and the day after tomorrow is a movie! Nay I say, I shall not be content. I do not wish to live out my life and let it be a useless existence. But how. How will I make something meaningful out of the handful o



Google Is Messed Up

I went onto google, and googled female 9 DIN adapter (for my PIC programmer). It said [number here] results were found, search instead for female groin. Reading that, I about fell out of my seat. What is wrong with google?



A Day In The Life Of Me (It's Boring!)

Well, nothing to do on the forums right now, so I'll just make a blog entry, because I feel like it. I woke up this morning to my dad using the plunger on the toilet. Apparently when it warmed up, it melted the snow and put alot of pressure on the septic system, causing the contents from all the toilets and sinks to go into the bath tub (lol, the bath tub now smells like an out house). I got dressed, and made myself a nice bowl of cream of wheat. I think that the guy on the box being black is ra



I Would Make An Overhaul, But I Need A Few Things.

Things such as LightWave and possibly a C++ compiler as it may require a new engine to fully implement as it will have models of AIV and RRU members in it (yes, in the levels themselves) to add to the storyline. Don't be surprised if I ask you to voice your character for the "cutscenes." The other details can be found in another entry.



Have I Told You What Happened This Morning?

(Copypasta'd from skype) [4:26:26 PM] Vae Victae: Okay [4:26:33 PM] Vae Victae: There is a tree Outside the high school [4:26:41 PM] Vae Victae: I was waiting for my Transfer bus [4:26:47 PM] Vae Victae: There is ice around the tree [4:26:50 PM] Vae Victae: I slipped on the ice [4:27:01 PM] Vae Victae: And banged the back of my head HARD against the tree [4:27:07 PM] Vae Victae: I got knocked out for a few minutes [4:27:18 PM] Vae Victae: And now I've had a Killer headache On/



Vidya Games Playthroughs: Diablo 2.

So. Diablo II. An Action RPG. Made by Blizzard, the same people who brought us Starcraft and Warcraft. Oh, right. I'm playing the "Lord of Destruction" Expansion, BTW. (Images will be in spoilers) Anyway... DIABLO II PART 1: STARTING OUT Alright. Starting a new Profile, Choosing a character class and name. Naming characters has always been hard for me to do. I have no clue why. So I thought..."A Paladin...Paladins are holy warriors!" So...Yeah. had to come up wit



A Mod About To Mod A Mod

Source: The Storage __________________________________________________________________________________________________ In other news: I am having trouble editing some textures for mt new terrian, namely, the renforced brick texture map. The brick insists upon being a different color than the unrenforced texture, despite the fact that the RGB values are the same. Any idea as to why? The marble's white is not white either.



I Can't See You Down There...

Why do people have this fad to purge the vehicle of suspension, then place the axels and steering column below the frame? If you don't know what I mean, look here. SERIOUSLY?? HOW MUCH FREAKIN LOWER CAN YOU GET?? They're not funny. Especially when you unintentionally run one over with your truck because you couldn't see him. Now I'm 16. What is the insurance gonna say? This is my father's. This is a truck like mine. Ya now see?



Status Report

Quite a bit of progress has been made since the last blog entry! When was the last entry anyway? Way back in April? Well, since then, there's been an alpha release! You can get ORR 0.0.2.x here: Windows Users: Make sure to install the msvc 2010 redist if it doesn't work for you. You can go here to watch videos featuring ORR's latest progress: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=290A57B34D6807A2 Additionally, don't forget to check out ORR's website from time to time: htt



Urban Overhaul? Maybe. (Urban Recovery? Who Knows.)

Here is the would be story line: Very successful colonies have been established on the surface of Planet U, most having almost the same style of infrastructure as Earth based cities. However, recently, there have been sightings of Slimy Slugs with ball caps coming out manholes and Rock Monsters wielding half ton cast iron pipes. The outposts have since been evacuated and now need to be dismantled. The crew of the L.M.S. Explorer has been put in charge of the recovery of resources



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