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3 Rants

I typoed the blog name. What??? ARGHHHHH. ME NOT HAPPEH ABOUT THAT. Now to find out how to fix the name... 2: Girls. Everybody knows how immodest most girls dress, correct? One major influence of this is the fact that pretty much all the clothes in the women's section are immodest. Wanna dress modestly? It's gonna cost you a lot of time. Idiots. You cloth companies are just making the situation worse. Final Rantdown: Games. I WANNA MAKE MY WORLD SIM. BUT I HAVE ORR TO FINISH



Wait, What Happened? 2011 = The Year Of Mysteries.

What happened? Last year when the entire homeschool got together and placed everybody by grade in large rooms to take their tests. There were a bunch of great people in my class! We had a good time. This time, I found out that the cake isn't the lie. Just sit back and read the story, and all will be revealed. I come back this year, and I'm in a whole different room. Everybody dresses like those indians that were drenched in paint and were weighed down in jewelry of all sorts. Everybody.




Um, well, I think General Purpose is about to get RRU put on global map. I think it may soon respond to the following series as a distress call: Shadow of israphel. It has the following names as ones it can call: Zephyria, Addict, Cyrem, Segatendo, The 322 Bros, Pascal, Unasake, Anon, Acmex, Alpha, Doc, Joe, and Rockmodder with LZ as a possible. I did not mention Will as that is a given. You will each need a vehicle that can traverse ALL of the MC terrains, armor of some sort, and



What Happened In School Today.

As I was explaining to Stephy. Lucas is Ritchie's brother [3:20:20 PM] Leviferno: Lucas came down to gym without permission [3:20:24 PM] Leviferno: So I stole his basketball [3:20:28 PM] Leviferno: He then put me into a headlock. [3:20:33 PM] Leviferno: I elbowed him in the jaw [3:20:40 PM] Leviferno: And knocked him against the wall [3:20:48 PM] Leviferno: Fast forward 1 1/2 periods later [3:20:52 PM] Leviferno: Coming back from a firedrill [3:21:00 PM] Leviferno: Lucas wha



Modding Suite - Developement

Modding Suite (MS) - Developement Today I won´t write about the final steps in Modding Suite Developement. Why not? Well there is no progress. Hitting my first Milestone was a great pleasure and this pleasure was doubled when I reached my second Milestone shortly after the first. Now I have to admit that I wasn´t able to work on MS for weeks. The reason ... The reasons for this slow... stopped developement are based on multiple problems I had and still have to solve. I don´t kno



Rru Theme?

We Will---drill you to the core Icy, your a mugger, make a big hole swingin' in the street gonna be a big Berg some day You got Ore on your face, you big disgrace, wavin' your pipe all over the place We Will, We Will---drill you to the core We Will, We Will---drill you to the core Rocky, your a big monster, rock monster, roarin' in the caves that your gonna take my crystal some day You got rock in your face, you big disgrace, Drillin' your boulder all over the place



What's Going On?

End of year exams are going on. What does this mean? Open Rock Raiders C is on hold until around May 6th. If you've been following the dev log, you'll see I forgot to announce that Oh well. Now you know. Yes, it's been on hold for several weeks now.



What A Day...

So I bought portal 2 at gamestop (I know you're jealous all you portal 2-lacking people out there) and installed it. Said I had to install a 600 MB patch (keep in mind my connection is only 50 KB/s but on average I get 30 KB/s). I started downloading that patch at 4:00. Cool. I went on with my work and worked on my electronics stuff. I found that BASIC stamp programmers will break when you drop them on the floor and that accidental crossing of the leads of an emulated RS232 via a BASIC stamp can



First Time

I've never written a blog before, and I don't read very many... so forgive me if I do/say anything in a non-bloglike fashion. Today, I'm going to give an update on my progress to everyone I have ties to for work. At the deepest root of my obligations, I have code to write for the mod Shadow of the Empire (not to be confused with the game "Shadows of the Empire"). Once this semester of college is over, this will be the first thing I tackle. When I'm done with the coding, we'll most



2 Vids And An Update.

well first off theres this and ...this... SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!! The following ppl are done with their lines. - Anonymouse - TheEPICtrainrider - LordZakida Congratulations to you. I'm doing my lines right now. If you haven't got your lines in, do so within the next week. That is all.



What's This?

Dunno. You guys tell me. Spring break started yesterday! * Applause* I have free time to do whatever I want! *Cheers* I am busy during spring break and I have no time for anything! *Silence* Oh well. But hey...I released that one minihaul a bit ago. I'm thinking of following it up with a full game overhaul. I'm sure that's bound to be interesting. If I take on such a project, it'll be when school shuts up and gets out of my life. But hey, if I can't be on



Bloggedy Blog Blog Blog

Whee... I'm typing this on my iPod in my math 120 class in college. We are going over quadratic equations which are way too simple. I got a 30% on my project because I didn't use unit analysis. Oh well . I was marked down on the binary computation section because I didn't show any work. As I said already, IN BASE TWO I'M FINE!!! I can do those things lightning fast in my head. No need for pencil and paper for me! I have a moc challenge for TMLC but I cannot find him. I can't PM him because



Damn Vandals...

I want to tell you all how much the neighborhood loves to see a yellow truck running around. But they realize they can't afford one, so they exercise communism on me. And to show their love: They key the hell out of it. They take the tires, the tailgate, the doors, the hood, the muffler, the catalyc converter, air conditioner, head lights, tail lights, the battery, and my XM radio. It looks like they took a 5 lb sledge hammer to the engine (minor damage, but the fan was destr



Rru Ain't What It Used To Be

I'm depressed by RRU. I used to be all joyous and active when this place was new (remember Doolie? Lol) but now the reality is hitting me. This place is nothing but a stagnant forum filled by a few members that barely get along. Sadly, I've grown used to RRU as my friend. This assumption is slowly depleting, and once it's gone, so am I. I've already packed my bags and made good friends on other forums. Forums more active and filled with people happy to help you. I'll check into here from ti



Mechanic Flush

Not too long ago in a galaxy not far enough away... I experimented with Ethanol E85. The outcome was an utter failure, and ended up losing about $80. Well, I ended up going less than 570, and went 350 miles, on a full tank of ethanol. What I decided to do is rip out the engine, take it COMPLETELY apart, record damage (none), and flush the components out with kerosene. The engine runs on gasoline just fine now.



I Want To Learn C

I really want to learn C/C++/C# so that I can help with the development of ORR-C, or understand Java better. Do any of you programmers have a book/online course/interactive program that I can use to educate myself in the mysterious ways of C?



Relayed Message.

I reworded the body and removed the parts before and after the body of the message so it would be shorter. Here it is: I propose a mincraft suvival challange, and before you ask, I'm awiating funds for it, appearently being "dead" for 800 years is not the best way to get a job. The challange is to survive one night at the hardest difficulty. Rules: You cannot use the give command except for the following items: Dynamite, Redstone Wire, Dispensers, and Pressure Plates. Yo



First Credits

Well, I don't want wait until the first release to credit some very important people: addictgamer - LWS / LWO modding Cirevam - CFG modding assistance Extreme110 - Helping me with the Multi-minifig mod

RR Rocks

RR Rocks

Experimenting.... Failure

$4.00/Gal. Wow, now I'm seeing all these stupid priuses (or priui?) again. And the drivers are SLOW AS FUDGE WITH A CHERRY. Last weekend, I swapped out the 28 gallon petrol tank, to a 55 gal. I decide to get a full tank of petrol. 4x55=$220.00 I can run about 800 miles on a full tank. ~17mpg Realizing the price of petrol now, I start an experiment with Ethanol 85; that new thing everybody talks about. On a full tank of Ethanol, now $300 (about $5.45/gal). Assuming from the price,



First Pics To Come Soon!

When I was looking through the history of RR - CE I noticed, that I never posted an image . Well, that is to change soon! I will show you pictures of: Tom: The first minifig mod unit Dark Force Raiders The first level Stay tuned!

RR Rocks

RR Rocks

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