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Some Skn Stuff (Overhaul-Ists Might Be Interested)

After having a talk with Tauka Usanake on Skype, I made this list of general stuff for SKN. It's not really that important to anyone waiting on the alpha release, but it's all the stuff I've worked on during the design phase which has changed since the Christmas update: Coward Raider-Type have been dropped. If a unit is injured and loses all health, medics with a stretcher will beam down to collect the raider. Now you need a "Safe Landing Zone" (replaces the Teleport Pad) or it's



Rru Fake Steam Achievements (1): Locked

I present to you some achievements I did while I was waiting for people to get on Skype...no, there is no reward for completing these. NOTE: These are all locked, and thus are colourless. If you would like to see more, or you want to see unlocked ones, please comment away. These where made HERE. I'll add this site to my sig as well. BTW, I can patch these without having to remake them but editing the URL, so if I typo-ed or



Current Mods I Have Implemented. This Is A Very Long List, And Could Get Longer!

Logical Step Original Release: No mission threatening erosion, I thought Baz put enough troublesome things into his mod. Fire walking Vehicles, I hate lava cutting of parts of the map, along with the stupidity. Swimming raiders, grinders, and Hover Scouts, those three just make sense to cross water. Fearless raiders, dang bats and monsters, do they HAVE to scare every body to death? Additional Mods, organized by reason: Logic: Hover Scouts Clear Rubble, I



Lots 'o Things Happening

Cyrem! I sure do hope that he's all right...I'm awfully worried. I got a week off because of a massive snowfall here in Georgia (okay, it wasn't massive, but the roads are still icy, and it's been 5? 6? days since the snow. Failure. I actually want to go to school. I mean, we get MLK day off as well...that's 10 days off. After Christmas break. I am ordering a huge pile of LEGO bricks off of bricklink. This includes a laser, 5 LRR cabins, 5 roll cages, and 14 LRR drill logo bricks. They wer



I Made A Bomb.

See? Also: I've been needing this part in .dat form for ages. Can any one tell me who made it? ("I made a bomb" was too crowded for this. I'll try to spoil it.)



New Topic!

The idea is to make RR play band instruments to get the job done. And give you the excuse to say "The Red Coats are coming!" I also have a web comic in New RR Vehicles.



Dog Died

I don't have time for details at the moment, so here is the "death certificate": Name: Mike Time of Death: 11:17 p.m. 1/6/11 Cause of Death: Suspected Cardiac Arrest Pneumonia Stroke I considered a tumor, but there was mucus it the vomit, which eliminated a straight up infarction. I just found out that it alway had sinus proplems. Here is a picture of it:



Email To Newtec.

Pardon the lack of formality, but can you make a version of LightWave for individuals? The reason I ask is that most people on Rock Raiders United (I’m sure there are other communities out there that would find such a version useful) are around 18 and don’t necessarily have the income for such a thing. The only thing you would really need to do outside of simplifying it to bring the cost down is add support for the older LightWave formats (currently we need to convert files with 5.x). I



Things I Hate

There are alot of things that I hate, that alot of people find very cute, I find this very, very annoying. Things I hate that people find cute are: Babies (how are those stupid things even considered human if all they do is produce mounds of waste), fuzzy mammals (they smell, they bite, they get fur everywhere, and they are just such an annoyance) cell phones (don't you hate it when you are waiting for somebody, and some stupid lady across from you is just yapping away to somebody about their ne



Rr Theme Colors!

Rock Grey CC: 3b3b3b Ore Brown CC: 4a2300 Lava Orange CC: ff7700 Ice White CC: ffffff Energy Crystal Green CC: 15ff00 Danger Yellow CC: f7ff00 Chrome CC: fafafa Cavern Black CC: 000000 Steel Grey CC: a6a6a6 RR Teal CC: 08805e Dynamite Red CC: ff0000 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ In othe



I Develop Member Profiles

They are typicly just activity patterns which allow me to determine time zones, the first step to locating someone, but sometimes addional information appears, allowing me to narrow it down to a region. I can't go much further than that without committing a felony. As for personality profiles, well I have Zephyr's. She has a slightly lower "I'm offended" threshold than most. That's not much.



More About Me.

I use PM when I don't see the need for a topic. Questions that need quick answers also prompt a PM. I could just be trying to get your attention on something. I Come Back And Everybody's profile has been screwed with including some names. I didn't even reconize exereame110. ^*^*^*^*^^^^*^**^^^^**^^*^* About four dozen of them in New RR Vehicles. Make that eight dozen. That's likely a large overestimation, but it's still a lot. I'll get to naming some of them sometim



New Project

I am beginning a new project, one that will take quite a while. I am remaking each LRR model, piece by piece, split apart all the models when I'm done, and make their respective LWO's for the animations. These models will be better quality, and less flat like most of the LRR models currently are. So far I've only done the teleport pad: Anyone want to take a guess on the tri-gon poly count?



I Have A Commodore 64 System. What's Next?

So for christmas I got alot of small things. I was a bit disappointed, until my dad came in with a giant box. I immediately knew what it was, and dug in. Inside was my C64, a model 1 5 1/4 floppy disk drive, a number of games, Centipede game cartridge, a random cassette tape, about 5 joysticks, many serial cables, manuals, a power supply bricky thingy (which is really heavy, and I learned that it hurts when it hits you on the knee), a cassette drive, and a printer hookup for a printer. The only



Christmas 2010 Update: �ет Подарки Зде�ь!

WARNING: This is very short because I accidently deleted it and I forgot what was in the original...LOL WARNING 2: CYREM AND I AM ARE IN THE FUTURE, SO THIS IS A LITTLE EARLY...JUST PRETEND IT'S CHRISTMAS MORNING WHEN YOU READ IT. So...my first Christmas with RRU...how interesting...Anyways, first off, MAY YOU HAVE A VERY MERRY NORMAL DAY! Hopefully when you wake up Santa's arrived and stuffed a [Please Talk Properly] load of presents under your tree so you can use them



Yay Deadlines! Merry Christmas

Here's the thing I told you about so long ago. I finaly made a deadline that I set for myself Super Link HD Merry Christmas!!! Also, Ep3 has been underway and I will continue to work on the script until I'm satisfied with it.



From: The Golden Age Of The Home Computer

Hello, just thought it would be cool to learn about the history of past computing devices. I would enjoy seeing if anyone here has had any experience with any CBM machines, as any real hands-on information has been eluding my searches. I would also love to hear about the reactions people had, to the first affordable microcomputers. As I haven't been around since then, I am hoping to live these years through the retold experiences of others. If anyone sees a C64 for $80 or under on ebay, ple



Rrudev: Npl Scripter (Part 5)

Now that the scripter has been released and some initial bug fixes have been done. I've been working on version 1.1. This version features some great enhancements so far that I'm sure you will enjoy. First up, a screenshot of the latest build: Hello, Numbers. If you are going to look cool writing NERPS scripts you've got to have line numbers. So here they are! Now you know how big your scripts are and maybe it'll help you navigate the script better. Trees are Growing It was s



Why Update When You Know Its Coming?

Because I can. Everyone has their lines in now so big progress there. As I look at whats left to do, I don't thing 1hour work days are going to get it done in time. All whats left is a little filming and some extra voicing by me. A special preview may be happening for a select few if I get it to work.



More Nonsence Scribbling You Should Not Read

THE NINJAS HAVE BEEN ACTIVATED PlaU - BaseRock EaNY - CDestroyed EaNY - BankInterior SpSt - Exterior SpSt - Elevator SpSt - Interior SpSt - Core SpSt - Library SStD - BaseRock Rtrn - SpaceExterior AC13 - BaseRock BnYd - Desert If you know what this means, then you probably are required to make these.



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