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Metal Drift - A Review

I've been playing Metal Drift recently, and I have to say it is the must have game of today. Alright. The game is a hybrid Sci-Fi Sports/Racing/FPS game where you are essentially playing Soccer with hover tanks. In order for your team to win they must score more goals than the opponent. The game has decent graphics quality, on par with the XBOX 360, though a little shiny for the quality level like Trackmania Original/Sunrise/Nations/United. Energy effects are TF2 Cow Mangler level and



It Feels Like Christmas!

Hello everybody!!! Today it really feels like christmas!!! No I am not joking, altought I might go crazy after this day is over! Today I finally recieved my cme u80 classic masterkeyboard together with the ewql ccc collection! Well it´s like a dream just became true when the postman ringed and gave me two 25 kg packets. I couldn´t wait to unpack everything ( I almost forgot about the breakfast - it was 8:15 am^^), so after 30 minutes everything was setup and ready to go. Well at least the in



A List Of Rc Companies - Not That You Probably Care...

I just wanted to share a list of RC Car companies that I've seen. Top Stars: Associated Electronics Team Losi Kyosho Corporation Mugen-Seki OFNA Jammin' OFNA HoBao High Performance Industries Racing Division (HPI Racing) Hot Bodies by HPI Affordable Performance: Traxxas Venom OFNA Classic Bottom Dollar: Duratrax XTM Megatech Under the Radar: JQ Products Axial MRC Academy Tenth Tech Top Dollar Large Scale: FG Modelsport MDR Wil



So Long Cruel World!

I'm leaving RRU for a number of reasons. 1. I'm not interested in rock raiders or LEGO anymore 2. I found a much larger and more active forum that I have already gotten to know quite well 3. Stupid college classes began last week 4. I'm fed up with how dead this place is I might be stopping by from time to time, but other than that, so long and goodbye.



40K Project Update

The Nether We have fully stabilized the Nether, I have expanded the water onto lava so we have more buildspace, our next job is to make a apartment complex on the Nether which will hold 12 people. After that we will be giving out colony kits to non op nether guests to start their own colonies for diamond. Overworld Not being involved much there but I can say the bridge to Gravel island is done. Deep mines have been created and we already have our first load of diamonds. More or less



The Florida Trip

I still hate Florida. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Afterwards, we go home, and find that the dishwasher barfed. There was water everywhere. The kitchen floor was soaked, the rug next to the kitchen was soaked, and the dishwasher was open, with water pooled up inside of it. Even better, the ceiling downstairs is broken in two places. Wa



Idea For A Minecraft Project

Well, now that I'm hosting a Minecraft server ( alongside my Team Fortress 2 server, I've decided to come up with a project. I'm working on a small mining town in the center of the island where you first spawn, and I'd like to set up more on other islands. Problem is, I need to do four things first. 1. Level the terain around the city without disturbing any of the mine entrances 2. Build a road system complete with glowstone streetlights. 3. Stabilize the



Slight Rant Inspired By Movies

Most movies out there these days are utter garbage that ain't worth my two cents. Sexual themes, unnecessary violence, lots of blood and gore, and cussing every three words. Then I watched Captain America (2011). I can honestly say that's the only movie I've watched recently that does not possess the traits of nearly all movies today. Of course, most 'little kids' movies don't possess these, but they're part of the "rest of all movies today" group



My Ideas For An Overhaul Mod: Fronteer Miners

Alright, I don't have LRR installed on this computer yet, but once I do I will attempt an overhaul mod. Fronteer Miners Storyline: A group of miners from a frontier colony have discovered a new resource, Ununoctite, in a nearby system. This crystalline compound contains a stable isotope of the heavy element Ununoctium (No. 118, atomic weight 294 in most common isotope), Ununoctium297, which in theory bonds with silver to create the metallic compound required to manufacture the extrem



Why I Don't Like Google Or Apple

Alright. While chatting I got into a little "argument" with the member who is currently know as Rainbow Dash (I can't wait until that fad blows over, it's driving me insane!) about Google. To basically state my position, it's not that I don't like Google's software, but I can't respect a company that can influence the world economy like that. As for Apple, they steal software and digital media. OSX 10.x is a re-skin of FreeBSD 4.2, a now outdated OS based on Unix, and lot of songs on



LEGO Digital Designer - (Hopefully Not) The Unfortunate Future Of LEGO

I was building an architectural model of a random skyscraper when the program lagged out. So I saved the file and restarted LDD. The file wouldn't load and the program started lagging again. Keep in mind that I'm using a computer that is known to be able to run Crysis 2, so it's not my specs. TLG had enough time to fix the bugs. I hereby declare LEGO Digital Designer Failware. The reason we still use it is because there's no alternative. It's either this or not using it at all.



Devestater Fails Again.

Lair was on the Brickipedia chat with Devestater. I (OldDonuts) joined the chat after a while and Devestater was banned. He then came back with another account (Wookie commando) and later, ANOTHER account (SoundBlaster3189) HE WAS USING TWO ACCOUNTS AT. THE. SAME. FREAKING. TIME! And he started a fight between these two accounts (lol idiot talking to himself) saying stuff like "Wookie u stink!" "no u stink SoundBlaster!". Then came the fail that got him banned... (NOTE: I already pos



Trackmania2 - My Experiences With The Open Beta.

Prenote: sorry about the JPEGs. Steam doesn't render in any other format. Well, the newest version of Trackmania has been in open beta for almost a week. Trackmania2, as it is called, isn't a 100% new game (it still runs the same engine with a few changes to allow for the addition of new environments as they are released, as well as the addition of the rumored Shootmania and Questmania games upon release). However, it has undergone a much needed graphics update. A lot o



Broken Horizon

So I finally got ORR to a nice stable point where everything was working. Only to bash it back down into the pits of debugging. That's right, kids, I broke everything. ...It's actually not as bad as it seems. I'm working on making pathfinding multithreaded. (Yay less lag!) Of course, this requires major rewrites of everything, but regardless, there you have it. Fun.



Skn Reorganisation

Bah storylines. That was never going to work. So, SKN is no longer gonna be a super awesome half-FP, half-RTS, super crazy story based overhaul. There's too much cuts I've had to make to get the game barely plausible, and now it doesn't even sound a bit like the original concept... Instead, it's going to be a large collection of mods, specifically mine, with a couple of awesome highlight levels from SKN making a return and whatnot. Here's what is expected to make it to the overhaul:



We Are At A Crossroads, Or At Least Will Be Coming To One Soon.

I am seeing a disturbing trend: The only OS family that will support LRR is getting more and more hostile to our favorite game with each generation. This means unless we do something, there will be no more modding as the computers that readily allow it die off. We have a choice: Beg and plead with TLC to at least allow us to make an engine that can use the files we are familar with, make our own OS, or do nothing and let it, and this forum, die. The first option has one b



The Post Noob/moron/idiot Of Rru Gets Trolled By Me...again!

Oh I'm having too much fun with devestater. After he was banned from RRU, he made a wiki about mods for rock raiders...without anybody's permission. What I find funny is that only one page is actually related to modding rock raiders, and it's the wad tool (which he uploaded there without permission). The reest of the wiki is filled with stuff about guinea pigs and mars mission and transformers. He also created a new alias for himself and claimed that "Devestater is my friend", but I can tel



I Sat In Horror...

...as I watched my computer degrade from an organized, efficient machine to a sluggish, unresponsive mess in a matter of minutes. I ran disk and virus checks to no avail. I was beginning to despair, until I did a search (in a molasses-like browsing experience) for sudden CPU usage spikes. Near the bottom of one of the forums linked in the search was an entry about USB devices causing these spikes of death to arise randomly and without trace. In a spark of hope, I ripped out my Logitech wingman U



What Do You Think For Now.

I want to know what you all think of the Full story of Planet U, for now. I have worked hard to come up with stories for this topic and many of you where probably confused at first. So tell me what you think and if you mind, please tell me if there is something that you want to know of it so far.



Your Basis Belongs To Us Entirely, It Is!

In 2101 war was begining War had started with announcement 2101 What Happen? Something happens? Somebody set us up the bomb! Someone placed us on the bomb! We get signal! We obtain the signal! What? What? Main screan turn on! The main screen is attached! It's you! That! How are you gentlemen? It is the gentleman vigorous? All your base are belong to us! Your basis belongs to us entirely, it is! You are on the way to destruct



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