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My attempt to make a Rock Raider

This is my attempt to recreate I Rock Raider from the lwo files in Blender it didn't turn out to good but you would not want to see y attempt to make a rock raider from scratch in Blender. An ideas where I can get a complete mini-fig model that I can get into Blender I am trying to make a render for my menu page



I need an opinion

Well I am back at it I will be adding vehicles and buildings in the next update. I need your opinion on what vehicle and buildings I should have in the game and the ones that were not really needed in the game. Base your comments on the original game. This will kind of hold of production on the game but right now the game includes the drill truck and the teleport pad. Plus the tool store which spawns in the game. Also leave your opinion on what the new rock textures should be modeled after.



Game Review - Mario Kart 7

First off... I'd like to say I'm actually not as disappointed as I thought I would be. That said, I can't just summarize the review like that. Graphics: Impressive... for the 3DS. The lighting is on par with Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, while everything else (even resolution) is equivalent to Mario Bike Kart Wii. Also, it's the first handheld Mario Kart title to not use sprites for items and track objects. Overall I'd say it's a turn in the right direction in this factor. Sound: I've nev



Borderlands 2 Review.

Mmm...Borderlands 2. I was SO PUMPED for this game to come out. I preordered the Collectors edition and everything. I was expecting it to improve a little bit on what made the original Borderlands great, but not much else. Boy was I wrong. Starting out, it already looks good. The little intro teaser was extremely well done. The first game had more of a treasure hunter, space western vibe to it, and so it used the song "Ain't no rest for the wicked" The 2nd game, however, had a more of a..co



RRURadio Changelist 1: RRURv2

Welcome. Please, make yourself comfortable. For once, you may take off your pants if you feel life it. Let's be calm and relaxed. So, as you may or may not be aware, I recently just finished school, and have one more exam left. Because of this, and the fact I will not be attending schoolies because of some passport issues, I will be dedicating my time to updating the radio. Previous versions of the radio from LZ and I were just a big list of songs, with new music added to the end. There was



Determined Soul - Dubstep

Hi again, today I would like to share my latest composition with you which kind of went into an unforseen direction: Electronic/Dubstep. Well it was my first try doing dubestep but here it is! Cheers! JDB PS: Planet Miners Alpha 2 is on it's way and I will have a little surprise for you, obviously by christmas!



ORR-ME is not forgotton

Well I have not forgotten ORR-ME I gust took an extended break from it. During the summer out house was being worked on, when it was done the plumbers where still working and shut off the power (I think) with out warning and fried my RAM so now I have 640MB instead of 2GB, and then High School started and I have been getting acclimated to that scheduled. But now I am working on the game again right now I am working on getting vehicles into the game and then after that I get to the AI. After a



7th Guardian ~DISCONTINUED~

So I was typing up this story on Word and was ready to post the next chapter (I was like 8 chapters ahead of my last chapter) when, without warning, my computer shut down. I have no idea why. (there was nothing wrong with it). I got back on Word to see that the story's file was no longer available. I searched for like 2 hours on my computer. The shut down wiped it out, and I was pissed. I save all my work often, like every 5 minutes or so. I scanned my computer and nothing out of the ordina

Drill Master

Drill Master

LEGO Island Review

Unlike many people, I am not a huge fan of the first LEGO Island game. While it was a big leap for TLC, it holds more nostalgia for me than it does fun. When you start up LEGO Island, a little screen with Infomaniacs leapfrogging pops up. Interesting, but not great. The intro is awesome. More awesome than most. You get to see essentially everything you can do on LEGO Island. (Intro) Once you're done watching that, you are introduced to the Infomaniac, the colorful character who bu



First thoughts - Pokemon White 2

I want to like this game. But as USUAL Nintendo messes up something. White 1 had a relatively short storyline that, although philosophically deep, wasn't very engaging. Pokemon White 2 has fixed that issue, but also has probably the most stupid mistake in the game. They expect you to level grind before the first gym leader, but you'll find that to be ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE with the system in place. There are way too few trainers before you reach that area, and the wild Pokemon in the area are som



I Do Not Agree - Round 2

And we're back for another episode of "I Don't Agree To The EULA"! Let's meet today's game: LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes Let's cut right to the chase and read the WB Games EULA, shall we? (A copy is located under EULA.rtf) So, what does all this mean? I cannot sell the game to anyone else (if anyone wants it, they must buy it from the store, not me or eBay or Amazon). I cannot mod the game. I cannot extact the .dat files and see what is in them, nor can



LEGO Stunt Rally - A Disappointment

I'm sure many of you had high hopes when you first heard of Stunt Rally. This game was released in 2000, two years after the amazing LEGO Racers. Unfortunately, the similarities are quite small. Think of LEGO Stunt Rally as a limited version of LEGO Racers, one where you can do many of the same things but the scopes of which are severely limited. You can't actually build your car. Like in many racing games, you can choose the car and the color - and you unlock the cars of those you defeat (



I Do Not Agree

When you download a program, you usually have to accept the EULA, and if you don't you can't use the software. The EULA terms vary tremendously, ranging from "This software is free; use it as you like" to an open-source licence (like the GPL), to a giant "PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE CAREFULLY" agreement. Eventually, you'll just start clicking "I agree" out of habit, much like when using Windows Vista with UAC turned on. Every now and then when I'm board, I will get out the manual to one of my



Game Review - Robot Arena 2

This is a game that I want to review, but at the same time I dread to review. This is a game that is both innovative and lackluster, both fun and boring, and both a technical marvel and a glitchy mess that makes Sonic '06 look like a masterpiece. This game is called Robot Arena 2. Made by Infograms, arguably one of the worst games developers ever. I really don't know how to define it. A lot of people call it a hack-'n'-slash RPG combined with a simulator, but I consider it more o



The 7th Guardian ~Chapter 2~

:: Warning. This story has strong material not suitable for young children. Reader descretion is advised:: ~Chapter 2~ The bell rang. All the students got up and left for the busses. Jack groaned. The entire day went slow, but it was finally over. Jack walked outside, looked back toward the school, sighed and continued on his way. He boarded his bus, Number 40, and walked to his seat in the back. Another kid was already sitting there. "You're in my seat," Jack said. The

Drill Master

Drill Master

The 7th Guardian ~Questions for Readers~

Sorry, I got caught up on other stuff, but Chapter 2 will be distributed soon (probably tomorrow night) :: Questions for Readers:: 1. Should I continue making chapters short like Chapter 1, or would you prefer longer, more detailed chapters? 2. What is your rating of the story so far? 5- Great, very descriptive 4- Good, could provide more detail 3- Average, needs some improvement 2- Not Good, needs much improvement 1- Bad, needs to re-learn writing sk

Drill Master

Drill Master

Planet Miners Alpha 1 Conclusion

Planet Miners Alpha 1 Fix 3 has been released today! You may download it here I won't post the full changelog here but I would like to explain the purpose of Alpha 1 as it seems I caused some confusion by releasing the alpha without a proper introduction to the topic. Planet Miners Alpha 1 - Purpose The first alpha should basically prove that my code (my codebase = 8000 lines of code) is running on different systems and hardware configurati



Planet Miners - Alpha Launch Today!

Planet Miners Alpha Release --------------------- Official Website! I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you who made this possible! In under an hour you will be able to play the first alpha of Planet Miners - Mining to the core! Well the first alpha gives you a sneak peak into the storyline of chapter 6. And be warned/be assured, as two of my internals validated the game is not as easy as it may look like on first sight, sure once completed you will be ab



The 7th Guardian ~Chapter 1~

Warning:: Do not read this if you haven't read the Prologue, or this probably won't make sense :: ~Chapter 1~ Present Day, Mooresville, Indiana Jack Kalund, a senior in high school, wasn’t looking forward to picture day. He had stayed up all night playing video games. When he woke up, he looked at the time. The bus would be at his house in five minutes! He rushed out bed, threw some clothes on, grabbed his bag and stumbled out the door. His hair was a mess a

Drill Master

Drill Master

The 7th Guardian ~Prologue~

Thank you to all of your ideas for my comic story, but I've changed my mind on making a comic. Instead I am making a story that came to me in a dream last night. So I hope you guys like it. Ladies and gentlemen of RRU, I give you... The 7th Guardian ~Prologue~ Long ago, in a place called The Realm of the Elements, lived six Guardians. Each Guardian was the protector of one of the six elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Life, and Death. The Guardians lived in The Elemental

Drill Master

Drill Master

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