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A "New Vision" for an old game

You know, ever since I got my new laptop, I've been playing ALL the games that my old one was unable to play. Deus Ex being one of them (Don't laugh, alright, my old laptop was a pile of fetid donkey manure) So I downloaded Deus Ex from the GoG yesterday, and I was hit by how...bad it looked. I'm not even sure it looked good when it first came out, running on a 2 year old engine. (The original Unreal Engine, if I recall) Seriously, look at this. So, as you can imagine, I went in sea



EA Gets Booted From NASDAQ-100

Let's face it guys, nobody here likes EA that much. Despite owning the licenses to some truly amazing games, we've all seen how greed has ruined such franchises. And naturally, it wouldn't be just this site that is hating on them. All around the internet, they have quite the negative reputation. Well, it seems this reputation has come back to bite them on the arse, as the NASDAQ, a leading stock market, has pulled them from their NASDAQ-100 list, alongside RIM and NetFlix. Now, that doesn't



Steam Box Confirmed

Hey, you guys remember when everybody made those hilarious rumours about Valve releasing it's own console? Well, they weren't kidding. Gabe Newell has confirmed the release of "Steam Box" will be sometime in 2013. Supposedly, the device will essentially be a Steam-based PC for the TV, running with Big Picture support. If you haven't been watching Steam recently, you'll have missed a significant amount of updates to Valve's Source games, allowing controller support to work with Big Picture,



Video Game Timeline Created... Not What You Think

This is old news, but I don't think many of you have heard of this before. Some guy who's dedicated his entire life to Video games, it seems, has created a timeline of most video games ever made. Like, when each game takes place. He starts out with TMNT Turtles in Time at 2,500,000, and ends with the War Hammer 40k games...guess the year. There's currently over 1,000 games on the timeline right now, go check it out Here This was all done by one guy, by the name of "Alex".



Let's Build a Death Star

If you live in the USA, do us all a favor and sign this petition. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/secure-resources-and-funding-and-begin-construction-death-star-2016/wlfKzFkN We get to build a death star if you do, kay? Thanks. ~Rockmodder



Getting back into the Pokemon TCG competitive scene

Alright. I'm sure the title is self explanatory, so I'll skip the basics and get into the details (like the deck I'm going to run). Pokemon: 4x Mewtwo EX 4x Sableye 4x Terrakion 2x Darkrai EX Trainers: 4x Cheren 4x Professor Juniper 2x Skyla 2x N 4x Pokemon Communication 4x Ultra Ball 4x Plus Power 1x Computer Search Energy: 4x Fighting 5x Darkness (basic) 4x Darkness (special) 4x Double Colorless 4x Prism Strategy: Use Sableye to recycle s



I need some opinions from someone else

Well I need your opinion. Question 1: Should the small drill truck carry crystals and ore and if yes how much Question 2: What should the max load on the small transport truck be Question 3: Should there be a large transport truck and if yes what would its stats be Question 4: Are there any other vehicles I should add/delete from the game Question 5: Are there any other stats I should change on any other vehicle Please answer the questions by specifying the questio



Zissors Troll Wives (A Dream I had last light.)

That is what I named the tool store in a dream. This dream had me in an apparent modding session in which I was screwing around with Rock Hard. In the "list of mods:" Rock Raiders had a blue uniform, and would randomly have matching cowboy hats. Vehicles will honk their horns randomly and often. The textures were connected according to their neighbors. Erosion acted differently: "yellow" erosion tiles did not erode completely, that was reserved for the "red" ones. Towards the end, the dre



Sirius Wars

Alright. I'm finally ready to distribute an early alpha of Sirius Wars, a bullethell shooter I've been developing and have kept relatively under wraps until now. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B9Je_ziVneIOeVY4NzNXTFlnelk Version alpha 2 The game is being developed on the Danmaku Time engine, an open source (BSD License) bullethell shooter engine written in Java. The game itself is being distributed under a modified BSD license. Do not use any files in the res/snd, res/img, res/s



LEGO Racers 1999 Box and Manual Scans

As a departure from my recent posts about the early morning movies and EULAs, I'd thought I'd show off some stuff that actually relates to LEGO. LEGO Racers, to be more precise. Since I received my 1999 release of LEGO Racers in the mail in May 2012 (I'm sure you remember that ordeal), I have been trying to scan the inserts, box, manuals, and the jewel-case. I scanned them once with our Kodak MFP, but I redid did them with our flatbed scanner two months ago. I have finally gotten aroun



Creepy crawly crossing across my creations.

Actually for the sake of alliteration, it was not a creation, but a pile of pieces. So now that I am home I have been going through my collection of LEGO bricks. Sorting out the random brick bags I acquired from a LEGO store a few months ago. I appreciate the randomness of the factory extras. Included are enough antenna parts at the bottom of the pile to arm a fair sized miniship fleet, basic LEGO faces (Long time no see guys!) with different looking studs, a laser beam, a sample from LEGO

Alcom Isst

Alcom Isst

Here we go.

Well, sorry if I did this wrong, as I am new here. Well, I was told that there are some good modelers and coders here. If you are interested in designing a game, please head to http://legobalanceofpower.weebly.com/ and apply. We currently need modelers, but if you have other talents and are interested, do not hesitate to apply. Anyways, hello, and nice to meet you all.



The Future, and some questions.

Well, ORR isn't really "Rock Raiders" anymore. Rather, it's a mod on a game built off of a world simulation. Let me explain. Components of my project: World Simulation - In conjunction with: Engine. - A game wraps the two together into a game. Alone, the World Simulation is just a library, and the engine just an engine. This game is called: GNOMAL. Which stands for I don't know what yet. This game is standalone. - - ORR: A mod, or rather, a campaign/scenario/starting conditions for




Oh, the random things you come up with in a Steam Chat... such as how to tie LEGO, Cthulhu, and Monty Python's Flying Circus into one twisted dark comedy: "In the headlines this morning, a LEGO set designer went mad after finishing the prototype model for the upcoming Cthulego line." "Shortly afterward, the LEGO design supervisor came in to check, found the designer writhing on the floor, took one look at the prototype model, and proceeded to go insane." "Police rushed into the bu



Planet Miners - Giveaway

Planet Miners Giveaway! That's right, today I am giving away 6 game codes for Planet Miners Alpha 1! Only the fastest will win! You will need to activate the key on this site to connect the game to your account. You can download the game within the DEV section or find the links on my forum. Once you downloaded the game, and activated the key using the online form you will need the key again to activate the game locally on y



ASDF. The Chaotical idea of the LEGO Brick Racers

THIS. Is the most original Idea even created since One Ninety and Twenty Twelve. (192012, 1900 and 2012 or 19002012) In this game, you use MAGIC FLOATING LEGO Bricks to race each other in a super cool LEGO circuit that is not repetitive! Then if you hit another player you are forced to go reverse way! SO DON'T CRY!!!! You can even CUSTOMIZE your LEGO Brick to make it 100% Boring Crappy Original! Changing the color makes your Brick WAAAY COOOL!!!! Then you can select between these not r



Ways to eliminate headaches in LEGO Rock Raiders

I've noticed that there hasn't been a post or blog entry yet on how to get the idiots in orange to do what you want them to. I've decided that it's better late than never. Sorted in order of usefulness. It's faster and more reliable to click on a rock raider and tell them to get into a vehicle than to click on a vehicle and select "Get Driver". Sometimes doing the latter will cause the game to select a rock raider that is currently busy. Some times this causes the raider to ignore



This has promise. But I need to raise a bar first.

I was screwing with an old file that I got stuck on and this piece came out. My goal was to get something other than a track made of loops that loop though most of it. By that standard, I succeeded. Then again, Evo Hummer was also a success by that standard. What killed it was that I tried to get too fancy with it. It is still rather simple, with a single base loop with at most two additional tracks on top, with one acting a secondary loop. I clearly need to try to add to it. On a side no



Writing ideas - setting

I'm rolling some ideas through my head, and I would like some opinions on them. I'll list the setting factors in the order of how this page on TVTropes lists them Base genre: Science Fantasy and Dieselpunk with a bit of Cyberpunk thrown in for variety. Mythology: Ancestral with an emphasis on specific heroes, similar to ancient China. Mainly there just for a bit of background flavor. Population: A handful of races. Humans (not quite - they have a few characteristics that in o




As opposed to plucks, which I used the first (and last) time in Evo Hummer. Rather than use Audacity's pluck midi, I took some tones and messed around with them. I made this simple piece just today. I still would not listen to it unless I was doing something else though. It is also the first piece with a tempo change. (The change about two thirds of the way through.) placks1.wav



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