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RRU Minecraft Server


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Put me down as a maybe. My "schedule" (HA!) is often changing. More or less due to the fact that my immediate family have no concept whatsoever of who I am, and just shove their own ridiculous stereotypes and insults down my throat and that they decide my personality.

So yeah, maybe.


EDIT: Would any of the Admins mind if I used the caverns underneath RRU Tower as a mine? I'm not interested in going near RRU tower itself, but the ores underneath

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Alright, thanks ya'll, we have nine people now which is great. I'll send out a PM soon with more details.


Would any of the Admins mind if I used the caverns underneath RRU Tower as a mine? I'm not interested in going near RRU tower itself, but the ores underneath

Hmmm... I'm not certain, but I think we'd planned on extending the RRU Tower underground too. Then again, that would mean that the blocks would be destroyed anyway, so I don't see why you can't have a dig around first.


Just don't build anything permanent there, in case the tower is to be built below-ground too.

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Sure thing, I don't usually place anything in a mine other than the odd structure for getting across chasms, or filling up holes so I don't have a torch used up for no reason. I think that with RRU Tower you guys should probably make the first floor ceiling a bit higher, it looks a bit squashed, but that's just my opinion so...


Oh, and to the admin/mod who disconnected me (glad you did it though), it turns out I wasn't glitching, while I was AFK a zombie must have killed me, and because of that I was invisible. But I'm glad whoever disconnected me did it, because I probably wasn't going to be back for about two hours (underestimated how long I would be AFK for... sorry)

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The Ace Railgun

That'd be me who disconnected you GF, I figured you where glitched or something :P (you kind of were, just not in the way I thought you were) but yeah I was just making sure it wasn't a server glitch Etcetera.

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UHC: Round 2

Today at 6pm UTC, eight bold adventurers entered the world of UltraHardcore. Four managed to survive until the end, but Xiron died just before extra game time was given to the rest of the players. The remaining three - Arthuriel, Shadowblaze and The Ace Railgun - all managed to last out, and so were teleported together for a final engagement of brutal combat.
Ace immediately preyed on Arthuriel's bewilderment, slaughtering him. Shadow then brought about his sword and cut off Ace's head!
The winner of this round is... Shadowblaze! Congratulations to you!
In second place was The Ace Railgun, in third was Arthuriel, and very close behind in fourth was Xiron, so commiserations to the three of you.
Within less than twenty minutes two competitors had already been killed by mobs. The remaining challengers managed to survive, on the whole, for another couple of hours before the deadly wild took its toll.
Well done to everyone who took part, it was an awesome round!
Round 3, the date of which has yet to be confirmed (but may be next Saturday), will hopefully have teams.
Best death: Joe9412, for accidentally killing himself using the /kill command as a joke.
Most shocking death: Antillies, by Silverfish, so early on in the round.
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Someone on the server told about his beautiful house (was it the user "jedi"?). Maybe we should give this player also an award for the most beautiful house ;).

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Fluffy Cupcake

When I had two hearts left I wondered off and was gonna build a skybase, but then I lost 1 heart from almost drowning, so I built a nice tall diving board instead (and there was a ladder to climb).


This was not far from JJ's base, actually. As I later found out.


Someone on the server told about his beautiful house (was it the user "jedi"?). Maybe we should give this player also an award for the most beautiful house ;).

Joe built it, jedi was suppose to visit.

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Well, I decided to pop on and go exploring/mining today, and ended up inadvertently linking my super secret lair of secrecy with Fush's deadly mine of death through a very long and twisty and deadly network of caves and shafts that goes under the village, spawn point, and close to the big airship hanger in the desert. Oops.

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Hey Jimbob, I was thinking that maybe for UHC you could make one round every week, but with different times for different continents. I mean, one week it's for European members and the next one is for American ones. I think that would fix a lot of timing issues.

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I didn't say that people from America can't play in European rounds, and vice versa. It's only a different time schedule I'm asking for.

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Thanks for the suggestion, Shadow. :thumbsup: I wouldn't be able to host it every week, unfortunately, as I can't guarantee that I'll be available to set it up every Saturday (it involves me accessing the files and switching around all the plugins, whitelisted players, etc).


I would agree with Ace that it would reduce the player count, too, unfortunately. However, I don't mind setting up small rounds of UHC for players if you want to organise one yourself - if perhaps you organise a group and time via Skype, I'd do my best to set up a round for you whenever you've arranged for it to take place.


But the main rounds will stick to being fortnightly, all-timezone rounds for now. Thanks, anyway, it was a good idea. :)

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Any chance on installing Xiron's LEGO Island map soon, provided it works? (;P) I want to see more of that outside of his video, even if it is only through the DynaMap and not in-game. :)

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Any chance on installing Xiron's LEGO Island map soon, provided it works? ( ;P) I want to see more of that outside of his video, even if it is only through the DynaMap and not in-game. :)

Oh yes... If it's creative, then certainly! I'm installing a creative world soon that can be teleported to on the same server. Xiron's map can be used for that, provided it's not super-flat.

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Fluffy Cupcake

Oh yes... If it's creative, then certainly! I'm installing a creative world soon that can be teleported to on the same server. Xiron's map can be used for that, provided it's not super-flat.

Well, there are two versions of the map. One with boundaries, and the one without (and as mentioned, the one without was more for survival should someone want to do that, there was even a secret way off the island so materials could be gathered).

As the island goes: The water goes on for a bit, and then it chops off into void for a bit, so it was unexcapable.

Btw, is there a way to make a texture pack auto-apply when going into certain chucks? The Island is pretty much screwed if not using the texture pack.

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Interesting, so you'd have to travel a fair bit to reach 'dry land' again where others can build?


As for texture packs based on chunks, apparently it requires client modification which is something I've tried to avoid on this server (so that it's more accessible to people). I'm pretty sure there are plugins that change your texture pack though by, say, clicking on a sign. So if that one entrance/exit you mentioned is the only legitimate way for players to reach the island, you could just stick a sign there asking players to switch to that texture pack.

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Just to let people know, the server is currently down. The host said:


"Our main website is temporarily down due to a DDoS attack."


I'm therefore assuming they have shut down their server nodes too while they remedy the situation. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon and ya'll can get back to your minin'.

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Oh no :( does this mean that you'll have to reset the server, or have you got a backup of the world (I guess you do because you change map in every UHC turn ;P )

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I doubt the server will require resetting/relaunching from a backup, they wouldn't just delete thousands of members' files.


I'm sure it'll all be fine soon enough. :)

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Fluffy Cupcake

I'm pretty sure there are plugins that change your texture pack though by, say, clicking on a sign.

This has that exact thing.



So if that one entrance/exit you mentioned is the only legitimate way for players to reach the island.

Weeeeell, you see, because it

chops off into void for a bit, so it was unexcapable.

there had to be a way to get by that, and that was through a short travel through the nether.




Edit: Wooow, I can't believe I never checked for a response regarding

This could be fun, especially since replacement is not required because it regens: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/epicglass/

Well, once it gets updated that is. It was last updated at 1.6.2, and it needs to be updated again because it currently doesn't work (tested).

Anyhow, the author said to me in regards to me asking about updating:

I can, its just that not a lot of people are using that so when I have time to do bukkit stuff its not very high on my todo list. Also, EpicGlass is particularly hard to update. I'll get to it soon tho.

(my message and reply were all sent on the same day I did that post, 10th of January)
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That's great Xiron, it'll keep the island separate from the rest of the world, kinda making it a world of its own. :P


As for EpicGlass, that's a shame but understandable. Although it seems, looking through the comments, that quite a few people are requesting it now. Thanks for updating me on that, I haven't kept a list or anything regarding this server so forget things easily. ;)


Talking of which...



UHC: Round 3


Introducing... Teams!


The third round of UHC is taking place Saturday 22nd February. Unlike previous rounds, all competitors will be split into teams. The number of players in a team and numbers of teams in total will be decided once people have signed up.


As a team, you will need to work together to survive. Your goal is still to be the last team alive, however given the acceleration of development that multiple players bring over one (e.g. getting to diamond can be much faster), it may be appropriate to add an auto-win goal should one team defeat the Ender Dragon. This can be discussed in the PM that will be created for people signed up.


Whether you decide to stick together and watch each other's backs, or split up and cover different roles each, UHC: Round 3 is sure to present a new and fun challenge!



If you'd like to sign up to this round of UltraHardcore, simply post here with a request. Alternatively, if you competed in Round 2, you can post a message in the PM you joined. The time I will aim to host the game at is:


UTC-8:   10am -  1pm
UTC-7:   11am -  2pm
UTC+0:    6pm -  9pm
UTC+1:    7pm - 10pm
I've given a time slot of 3 hours, however I anticipate that this may well require increasing. Should the time end with many players still alive, I will probably extend the time, however if there are only a couple then I'll just inititiate a gladiatorial deathmatch as with Round 2.
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