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About time I made my personal skin alter-ego a pony.

Since I've scanned this I've darkened the lines, fixed some things, made the eye behind the snout better, made the cutie mark bigger and better placed, and made the tail more better.

I'll upload the current one later, but for now...

Have this:


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That is pretty cool but why don't you draw him in a number of ways. Like why don't you draw him hanging out with each of the main six and see how he would react to how they act.

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That is pretty cool but why don't you draw him in a number of ways. Like why don't you draw him hanging out with each of the main six and see how he would react to how they act.

Nah I'll just write it out.

He'd be apologizing like crazy to Fluttershy since he'd end up accidentally making her cry or run away.

He'd point out every last flaw in Rarity's dress designs and cause her to kick him out of the boutique.

He'd challenge Applejack to a race and use his magic to cheat like crazy, same with Dashie.

He'd blow Twi's mind by his knowledge of outer-dimensions and the complexities of what time really is and not what we perceive it to be.

Finally, him and Pinkie would destroy Ponyville and then each other, in the fight all of reality would be entirely warped and destroyed due to the fourth wall collapsing, then the fight would come into our world where the same thing happens, it would jump from reality to reality, eventually everything that exists in every universe ever would be gone forever.

Pray to your God, or lack there of, that they do not meet.

Also here's the current version:


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Well, I have been gone a while... Let's catch up, shall we?

Too late, I'm recapping anyways.

@ Sonic: I'm sorry to dig up old arguments, but YOU were telling ME to stop talking about whatever the hack it was we were arguing about. The conversation was over, you said. Then you contradict yourself later by saying that it ISN'T over. Just saying. I'm not mad or anything, but still. Nice "Come at me bro" pic.

Also, I'm watching more of the show for more reasons. I actually like the show, and I plan on writing a new fanfic. One about Wheatley (The core from Portal 2... Surely you know about him) crash-landing in Equestria. There will be NO sign of Discord ANYWHERE in this tale.

About John De Lancie (of Star Trek Fame, as far as he remembers :P ) and the Emails he's received from Bronies... I LOL'd. And what's up with the random TARDIS onstage? that's not even from his franchise.

As for Kata's OC meeting Pinkie Pie and fecking up all of reality, May I present the following to counter this...

MY MIND. I would kill the both of them with what I know. I wish.

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Fluffy Cupcake

Maybe you could ask him to upload them on there, or put the ones not there yourself?

Anyone that does listen to Euro, do you listen to the vocal versions uploaded by MrNewbyNewb (aka JunkiesNewb) as well? (I think there might of been some on the old channel which was closed, cause I have more than what's there.)

Oh, and btw Euro uploaded a new song (The Perfect Stalion, from Heart's and Hooves day)

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As for Kata's OC meeting Pinkie Pie and fecking up all of reality, May I present the following to counter this...

MY MIND. I would kill the both of them with what I know. I wish.

He's an omnipotent being, he is just a ponyfied version of my alter ego.

He is a former resident of the Q Continuum and his personality inspired by the Norse god of tricksters and lies, Loki.

He's a trickster, maniac and spaz, he enjoys watching and causing madness and chaos, some what like Discord, but I conceived this character before I even knew FiM existed.

As much as he'd love to light a match and watch the world burn, he can't cause much chaos due to this otherworldly council who keeps tabs on his actions.

So since he's practically a mad-god and has an IQ of 2,005 (Any hard-core Star-Trek fans know why I chose that number?), his mind out does yours by a great deal.

So he wins.


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Oh hey, its your old garrys mod model!

So basically you're saying that he wants to blow up the world, but if he did he would get destroyed/arrested and his mind outdoes everyone to exist?




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When you think about it, Discord wasn't really doing anything wrong.

I mean, did he really hurt anyone when he made everything crazy?

No he didn't.

If Celestia didn't send the ponies out to fight him, would he really have had a reason to change their personalities?

Probably not.

Luna should just send Celestia to the sun and then free Discord, that's the episode I want to see! :af:

Who agrees with me?

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When you think about it, Discord wasn't really doing anything wrong.

I mean, did he really hurt anyone when he made everything crazy?

No he didn't.

If Celestia didn't send the ponies out to fight him, would he really have had a reason to change their personalities?

Probably not.

Luna should just send Celestia to the sun and then free Discord, that's the episode I want to see! :af:

Who agrees with me?

I'm thinking about putting this in my fanfic...

OH, CRAP! I need to start writing that!

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I think there should be a "What if" episode (with Discord as narrator) that has the regular mane 6 replaced with the original concept arts made be Lauren Faust. So it would basically be like an alternate universe story.

150px-Twilight%27s_old_design.jpg Twilight Sparkle (unicorn) 150px-Lauren_Faust_Applejack.jpg Applejack (earth pony) 150px-Lauren_Faust_Posey.jpg Posey (earth pony)

150px-Laurenfaustfirefly.jpg Firefly (pegasus) 150px-Lauren_Faust_Surprise.jpg Surprise (pegasus) 150px-Lauren_Faust_Sparkler.jpg Sparkler (unicorn)

At first glance you can tell right all the bat the the characters and their personalities are different from the normal mane 6, so I think it would be a really interesting episode.

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Fluffy Cupcake

Yeah, not gonna happen. Though of course the idea would be cool for a non-regular episode.

More concept style pics!

Warning: large, wallpaper sized pic. Though RRU resizes it, so it should be no prob.



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Oh hey, its your old garrys mod model!

So basically you're saying that he wants to blow up the world, but if he did he would get destroyed/arrested and his mind outdoes everyone to exist?




I assume sarcasm.

I personally HATE god-like original characters, but I love Q and his powers.

I wanted my alter ego to be omnipotent, but I figured if I put a group of people more powerful than he watching his actions and regulating what he does, it puts a limit on his power, thus making him necessarily a god per-say.

Also, even though he's smart, he acts a fool, so in a game of mind, you could probably beat him.

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Fluffy Cupcake

Hello CTXXTC, welcome to the herd.


...Hat idling?

There is some dread news about Derpy I must inform you guys on.


here is more into the issue.


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